RE: Martelly first priority will be clean up the Lavalasse and...
Agent X says...
RE: Martelly first priority will be clean up the Lavalasse and the Inite camp
Jean Pierre Alexandre Says...
That's the way to go. Vermines most neutralize.Lavalas, Inites are dangerous deseases("lyme").
Ticks free Haiti it's our goal, lyme desease is a serious problem in Haiti.
Mother fucker Aristide and asshole Preval need to be in a wet dungeon in France like the killer they send to kill the Diplomat.
Agent-X reply
I spoke to Aristide many times.
He never revealed that secret about your mother.
So Aristide is a trustworthy man and you are not because you cannot keep a secret about your own mother.
Shame on you.
I understand that you low level of intelligence prevent you from filtering what you should keep secret about your family.
Be discret next time.
What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.What happens in the bedroom, nan makrel, desyer kay, nan fait noir should stay there.
Do not bring them on this blog.
I know that you want to boost your image by associating your mother with the luminary Aristide ( Be seen with me to improve your image mentality)but the way you try to associate her with Aristide look pitiful.
The topic is: Martelly first priority will be clean up the Lavalasse and the Inite camp
This is a reply to Msg 28518
Posted by Agent X on May 9 2011 at 12:22 PM