Pastor Rivel, I do understand where you're coming from buy...
Tiba says...
Pastor Rivel,
I do understand where you're coming from buy you're asking president Tete Kale to do almost the impossible of most of what you have suggested.
You right on this point: There must be a dicentralization of the Haitian government in order to have a much better functioning and effective government in Haiti which in the end would benefit Haiti a lot. However, there is a only one way to do it inorder to get the most benefit from it.
First, there must be a governor for each of the 9 departments.
Each department must have certain "autonomy" for example, the right to have their own police force, their own motor vehicle department, build their own road, the right to lobby investors to establish in their department, have their own school system, etc..but will also lobby the Central Government for money to sustain most of their development projects and etc...
Second, in order to have an independent judicial system that is fair and able to render justice equally to all, they judges must get elected by the people and not appointed except for the high court.
Appointed judges work for the person who appoint them who is the president and not for the country, and therefore, justice will always tinted because their boss is more likely to influence the court's decisions.
Third, as I asked before, president Tete Kale must have his legal team to over every contracts signed between Haiti and foreign investors to make sure those contract were signed in good faith and Haiti is benefiting from them. The very first that really deserve priority attention of the new government is LABARDIE/LABARDEE/LABARDE.
The new government needs to check on how those cruise ships conduct their advertisements.
Too many people who go on those cruise ship to Labardie do NOT know that LABARDEE is in Haiti and those people who live in Labardee are not benefiting from it.
Fourth, in the spirit of job creation, the new government must meet with the private sector that bought all the state entreprises such as: cement d'Haiti, Minoterie, etc...and give them 6 months to get them all back in opperation or lose them all back to the state.
The topic is: President Martelly No Taxes for the Poor People!
This is a reply to Msg 28503
Posted by Tiba on May 7 2011 at 8:53 PM