That is right. After we expelled the useless Americans...

Agent X says...

That is right.

After we expelled the useless Americans, French, and Canadians from Haiti, we will convert their Embassy into useful institution and tourist attractions.

One of those Embassy could be converted into a Museum of crimes, genocide, carnage atrocities committed by their Department of Offense to humanity in the name of God and Demon-cracy.

Haiti does not need the military because Haiti is not in war with the Dominicans Republic.

Now Haiti will have to purchase military tanks, war airplanes, and war boats for 15,000 to 40,000 of idle people that will be on the Haitian payroll and will not contribute to the country development.

Those so called military personnel will be a cause of insecurity and corruption in Haiti.

They will make alliances with the Dominican military to transport cocaine marijuana from Colombia, Jamaica to other part of the world.

Haitians need rice from the Department of Artibonite to eat. We needs corn, zaboca, red beans, pois congo, sugar canne, zorange, corossole, chadeque, banana, figue, pitimi, l'ame veritable, cafe, yam, patate, boeuf, poisson, cabrit, poule etc to eat. We cannot eat the bullets and the expensive military hardware.

If MUNISTAH cannot keep the peace it is not the Haitian military that will do it. It will be genocide to the interest of the colonizers in Haiti that will create situation so they could sell more weapons to exterminate the Haitians so they could seize Haiti as their territory as they did with one of our island named La Navase.

By the way if Martelly is not their lackeys, he should demand that the US should return la Navase to Haiti. /

The topic is: Michel Martelly Stabbed the poor Haitians in his first actions
This is a reply to Msg 28475
Posted by Agent X on May 3 2011 at 4:36 PM

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You are a sub-literate because you misrepresented what I said. Get yourself a tutor to teach you how to read. It is that kind of sub-literate and illiterate people like you that used to kill people in Haiti during the Duvalier regime > >
Agent X, 2-May-11 6:51 pm
AgentX, my name is Audrey Williams. I don't know if you are Haitian or Caribbean but based on your article I think that you are a deep thinker and a logical person. I am attending college in USA and what you discussed regarding the priorities for Ha > >
Audrey Williams, 3-May-11 3:00 am
Kabrit gader je moune avant li entrer na kayy. Peup la se pitimi san gador se sa fet ke defenseur moune riche yo ap pe prijer li. > >
Mercelus, 3-May-11 12:08 pm
Agent X, First time I ever agreed with you then there is no more to add you have said it all. I amm really appreciated this peace of evidence that is favor haitians in general. > >
Pastor Rivel Dumaine Dr., 3-May-11 2:22 pm
Agent-X greatly appreciated your comment.Let expect that Michel Martelly will deceive our expectations as a tioul Americain and turn out to be a Toussaint Louverture,Dessalines,Makandal,Boisrond Tonnerre,Christophe,Boukman,Petion,Biassou all in one r > >
Agent-x, 3-May-11 2:57 pm
Dirty cop,did hear you clear saying Lavalas? Voodoo headquarter in the USA Ambassy? > >
Jean Pierre Alexandre, 3-May-11 3:29 pm
That is right. After we expelled the useless Americans, French, and Canadians from Haiti, we will convert their Embassy into useful institution and tourist attractions. One of those Embassy could be converted into a Museum of crimes, genocide, carnag > >
Agent X, 3-May-11 4:36 pm
The Miami Herald Posted on Wed, Apr. 20, 2011 Dominican police and soldiers are increasingly getting in the drug trade By Frances Robles frobles at Former Dominican Navy Capt. Edward Mayobanex Rodriguez was sentenced to 30 year > >
Agent X, 3-May-11 4:56 pm
What about the UN army in our soil? > >
Jean Pierre Alexandre, 3-May-11 7:51 pm
Ask Guy Phillip while he still hidding under the bed in a cafe bouzin at Carrefour in Haiti. > >
Commandante12, 3-May-11 10:21 pm
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