A Deal was made on Guy Phillipe

Angelina G says...

A deal has been made to deliver Guy Phillipe to the US by the second week of July 2011. We still have to find out what Sweet Micky got from the deal.

Posted by Angelina G on May 2 2011 at 1:52 AM

Messages in this topic

What do you meam what michel got from the deal.Justice need to be serve ok osama die last night justice for american.Haitian deserve justice too from guy,preval,aristid,sedras to name few for their crimes. > >
Richelle, 2-May-11 6:02 am
Angelina,let's me know when you find out. Keep digging. > >
Jean Pierre Alexandre, 2-May-11 6:34 am
Aristide and preval,they are wanted for nacotics. > >
Jean Pierre Alexandre, 2-May-11 7:29 am
Sweet micky is a honest man. he will never make a deal to sell his friend.This is BS.Guy phillipe and Sweet Micky are good friends. Aquarius are usually sincere people > >
Serge B.t., 2-May-11 8:10 am
I believe he will keep his word like a man,not like the bastard Aristide and the bitch Preval,whom they fuck the population in the ass for years. > >
Jean Pierre Alexandre, 2-May-11 2:33 pm
Entirely agree with you point of view; why listed one person and left aside the crooks, the mater minds of the criminals. There is a great difference between a terrorist and those many dictators, anarchist, that wanted to destroy their people for > >
Pastor Rivle Dumaine Dr., 2-May-11 11:08 pm
No difference between asoma,guy,aristide to name few especially preval.They terrorize their own people even worse than osama.Osama terrorize other people not his own but still terrorist is terrorist.Haitian was on terror as a result of kidnaping and > >
Richelle, 3-May-11 6:51 am
Richelle,There is a big difference between Osama and Aristide,Preval and other punks in Haiti. My comment is clear. Osama has a purpose regardless of his derange believes.Aristide and Preval they purpose is unknown to us all,except them, knows thei > >
Jean Pierre Alexandre, 3-May-11 8:31 am