Lucas and Magloire did not have the courage to run for...
Marjorie Middy says...
Lucas and Magloire did not have the courage to run for presidency.
BUT Baker and Ceant did;Either one of them would have made a MUCH better president.
We have to "respect the will of the people" and make the best of things.
We must stand behind the newly elected president, "Sweet Micky".
Give him a chance.
He is new to the political scene and that could be a plus. INITE is definitely up to no good, but this is the FIRST time that we might have a non-omnipotent president.
This is NOT necessarily bad, if we make it work to our advantage...Martelly could come up with a new entity to counter, therefore CREATING for the first time political transparency of which we desperately in need of in order to combat in-country corruption on so many levels.
The topic is: Stanley Lucas Et Les Occupants De Chez Nous
This is a reply to Msg 28397
Posted by Marjorie Middy on April 30 2011 at 8:56 PM
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Pastor Dumaine, I want to see you as a healer of our sick nation and not as a divider. I am not saying that you are a divider per se. Arguing about old issues can make you become a divider instead of being a uniter without noticing it unless someone
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Toulimen Legrand, 25-Apr-11 9:33 am
Toulimen, It is very appreciated of certain Haitians group to stay focus on the solution of this Great nation Haiti; One man name Patrick Henry, stated, "Give me liberty or give death". It took me many months in the blog to analyze those who are re
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Pastor Rivel Dumaine Dr., 25-Apr-11 2:37 pm
When you talk about justice you should talk about Haiti first starting with Jean Claude Duvalier instead of going faraway places such as Egypt, Tunisia, Liberia but with my superior intelligence i decode your thought processes I think that you mean L
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Commandante12, 25-Apr-11 4:05 pm
Hi commandan 12 it is a shame to hear from you that aristid did not commit crimes. Aristide was the most criminell alive that have ever live in haiti.Acoording to some source close to the remimber when their was the fight in the palace unde
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Zozo, 27-Apr-11 1:09 pm
You are a laughable idiot become the Duvalier's crimes are well documented.
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Elois Maitre, 27-Apr-11 11:15 pm
For better understanding des hommes de l'occupants, click sur les trois liens suivants: 1. 2. -
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Madeleine Jerome, 29-Apr-11 8:48 am
Stanley Lucas could have been a better President even Paul G Magloire. Now Haiti is in the "tiouboum" with this peur peignin.tet poux.
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Intelintel, 30-Apr-11 8:58 am
Lucas and Magloire did not have the courage to run for presidency. BUT Baker and Ceant did;Either one of them would have made a MUCH better president. We have to "respect the will of the people" and make the best of things. We must stand behind the
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Marjorie Middy, 30-Apr-11 8:56 pm
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