The country cannot progress on give me, give me. Every body...
Sebastian says...
The country cannot progress on give me, give me.
Every body have been giving for 25 years and Haiti is worst.
Those 8 millions people need to work and provide for themselves and their children.
It gives you pride and character and discipline.
That is what destroyed Haiti.
Welfare puts black Americans where they are.It will create the same sociological and psychological problem for Haiti.
They need to go to work from 9 to 5 like everybody.
So they do not have time for stealing, kidnapping and riots.
Those Haitians in Little Haiti are barely breaking even. Their kids are ending up in jails.
Crime is very bad in those poor neighborhood.
Martelly needs to create jobs (police, construction,cleaning) the money is there.Put the guns down and get a 9 to 5. Haitians back home need to work like everybody period
The topic is: Martelly intend to charge $1 more for every $100 you send to Haiti
This is a reply to Msg 28321
Posted by Sebastian on April 26 2011 at 3:12 PM
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Welfare put black Americans where they are. Nowhere. a 9 to 5 gives you pride and wealth. Keeps you busy, you do not have time to plan kidnapping and theft and riots. Enough feeding teach hem how to fish If you work hard to build a school yo
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Sebastian, 26-Apr-11 11:20 am
Sebastian, How do you expect Haiti to move forward when you're complaining on paying an extra 5cents on a phone call or pay an extra bucks to send Kids to school? How the Hell is Haiti suppose to get better when Haitian don't want to come out of
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Jynee, 26-Apr-11 2:20 pm
The country cannot progress on give me, give me. Every body have been giving for 25 years and Haiti is worst. Those 8 millions people need to work and provide for themselves and their children. It gives you pride and character and discipline. That
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Sebastian, 26-Apr-11 3:12 pm
Sebastian, $1 more for every $100 we send to Haiti is not too bad after all if you know anything about addition, substraction, multiplication and division. Preval was charging $ 1.50 on every $10 Haitians send to their families in Haiti. After
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Tiba, 26-Apr-11 6:16 pm
This monster is not even elected yet he talk about raising tax not to increase the agriculture production or to expands the health care and the educational infrastructure but to raise money to buy weapons,to restore the forces of repression in Haiti.
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Marleine M, 26-Apr-11 6:47 pm
Jynee,you are 100% right the diaspora should give volontary to Haiti. Your idea is great,the prez should project fund and a way to collect that cash. The Shalom Tabernacle Church of Haiti is organizing a very good project to help the country. All
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Jean Pierre Alexandre, 26-Apr-11 6:58 pm
Tiba,are you sure with these info? Unbelievable,that's prooves Preval,his govs are thieves and wicked dogs.
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Jean Pierre Alexandre, 26-Apr-11 7:15 pm
Marleine,wou si telman pral rinmin sakafet yo,wou minm kap pale'e anpil kounye'ya,se wou min'm avek min'wou ki prale nan bank,anba sak zorye'wou pou voye kob al ayiti pou bel proje'e. Marleine,your sweet ayiti wi. :)
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Jean Pierre Alexandre, 26-Apr-11 7:23 pm
Hey Jynee, Everything you described is called "Corporate Welfare." And you right, Haitians are willing and always ready to satify the white man system at all cost and they are cool with that. Unfortunately, Haitians always see a problem and have
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Tiba, 26-Apr-11 8:31 pm
Sebastian, you're completely missing the point! the fund is for kids to go to school at the elementary level. So what are you suggesting? we impose child labor, the kids who can't afford school should just go to work? too late, we already have t
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Jynee, 26-Apr-11 8:42 pm
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