Toulimen, It is very appreciated of certain Haitians group to...
Pastor Rivel Dumaine Dr. says...
Toulimen, It is very appreciated of certain Haitians group to stay focus on the solution of this Great nation Haiti; One man name Patrick Henry, stated, "Give me liberty or give death".
It took me many months in the blog to analyze those who are really true Haitians blood, It is finally with the same option to see that we have a nation of law, order, and justice for all.
All the others, you, and I must be the healers without quitting our goal and focus for the poor. I don't want to name this guy anymore in my conversation, but it is not a promise to loose any man of his responsibilities towards my brothers and sisters.
Please understand me very well and very clear!
Never in the world history you can have success with the old folks laughing at you. We have just seen some examples: Egypt, Tunisia, Liberia, Yemen, Syria, Iraq, sierra Leon where as those who have been stolen their people have to answer to the justice; there is nothing wrong to ask for justice for the Haitians people against those dividers to reign.
It is time for me to divide my people from those leaders who have abused them for more than fifty years.
Surely, I am not asking to divide the nation, brothers and sisters, but those who have been governed and divided to keep power.
They always have received pardon, but the poor people have been killed, robbed, and abused for their ignorance to have no mercy upon them.
Toulimen you are really a man of courage that have words of essence to help many people, and I have been paying great attention to your saying.; we have the me inside that have to be first to be a man of word.
Americans and others are not the problem, we Haitians are the problem to have our own solution.
Why don't American control Jamaica, Bahamas, Guadeloupe, Martinique, of course they do in some part ; not like the way Haiti is portrait.
I am pro Haiti to search for our solution.
We have to agree to say yes and no. No matter what is the course over our life. If the way you stated in the blog; you are such man of word then I have preferred to have you president ten/10 time more than Aristide who are at the mercy of the International to retain power.
in the blog everyone knows that this Pastor is a revolutionary that is my philosophy for equal justice, social, and economy for all. God did not unite with Lucifer when he tried to abused the kingdom of God, of course God had thrown him out in the bottom less spit.
This where I stand, So help me God. Good job and very good job meet you at the next time for further discoveries.
Pastor Rivel Dumaine, Dr.
The topic is: Stanley Lucas Et Les Occupants De Chez Nous
This is a reply to Msg 28277
Posted by Pastor Rivel Dumaine Dr. on April 25 2011 at 2:37 PM