They use to say Duvalier was not Haitian, he from Guadeloupe...

Jean Pierre Alexandre says...

They use to say Duvalier was not Haitian, he from Guadeloupe.

Now, the new prez come from were?

Was he born in Haiti?

Well i don't care and i don't give a shit, he will lead the country.

And we will stay focus on Haiti.

Bye, bye now, cock suckerrr.

The topic is: Flash:Rumors hasit that Michel Martelly is a naturalized American
This is a reply to Msg 28269
Posted by Jean Pierre Alexandre on April 25 2011 at 9:00 AM

Messages in this topic

Haitians should stay focus on what's good for their country. We already know that this president is not wanted by the international white community, and that they will say or do anything to get rid of him. I personally don't give a hoot if Martelly > >
Linda, 25-Apr-11 7:29 am
They use to say Duvalier was not Haitian,he from Guadeloupe. Now,the new prez come from were? Was he born in Haiti? Well i don't care and i don't give a shit,he will lead the country. And we will stay focus on Haiti. Bye,bye now,cock suckerrr. > >
Jean Pierre Alexandre, 25-Apr-11 9:00 am
You try to flatter Micky for a job.What happen if he does not give you a job because you are too old,ugly,black or your cask pompier is too B&S? then in a few months you going to write some lies about him the same thing you have done for preval after > >
Daniella, 25-Apr-11 11:18 am
Entirely agree with your comment, that is the reason I am a man of no boundary, no fanaticism, neither political Party, but one humanist in this planet for social, economic, and justice interdependence for all. as for me, interestingly the world > >
Pastor Rivel Dumaine Dr., 25-Apr-11 1:59 pm