Preval blog a recu 33.9 millions de visiteurs le plus lus des blog Haitien

Magouyeur X-ray says...

Le site de Preval a recu un total de 63,9 millions de visiteurs qui lui place comme le site le plus lu parmi les blogs Haitiens et autres dans le monde grace a son laboratoire d'information fabriques.

Une partie de cette reussite est due a l'imagination prolifiques de ses ecrivains qui ne sont pas necessairement des penseurs astucieuses et de bonne qualites.

Ces ecrivains se nourrissent de l'emotions humaines, les craintes, les deceptions et manipulation afin de faconner leurs articles.

Des gens comme Tiba, Toulimen, faux Pasteur Rivel Dumaine et Jean Pierre Alexandre figurent parmi les ecrivains les plus notoires qui recoivent leurs cheques en provenance de Virginie.

Posted by Magouyeur X-ray on April 24 2011 at 11:14 PM

Messages in this topic

Toulimen, Pastor Rivel Dumaine and Jean Piere Alexandre which is the same person with different personalities are incapable of telling the truth that is why the headline in the story says 33.9 millions visitors and the body of the story indicates 63, > >
Jack W., 25-Apr-11 11:38 am
As for you, Mr Jack. If you cannot tell the truth,it's because you've been influenced by the wrong crowd of people.(CIA,Preval,ect,..) > >
Jean Pierre Alexandre, 25-Apr-11 12:24 pm
Hey Mr. Jack, What a formidable comment on the bloq that triple voice can bring more people still in this blog. The Preval Bloq should compensate the Haitians people specially the bloggers who make it such a big deal by returning some of the mone > >
Pastor Rivel Dumaine Dr., 25-Apr-11 2:57 pm
Martelly is right when he said that Preval should not certify the elections. What Martelly have said is a true statement. 1-The election was invalid without the participation of Lavalass Party that represent 85% of the voters. 2-Forget about Lavala > >
Windsor K. Laferiere, 25-Apr-11 4:42 pm
Pastor Dumaine, Jean-Pierre and I as you mentioned it are truth seekers. We will search, investigate and report, but in any ways all three of us don't pretend to know the truth and we will continue to search it until it is told publicly. While you a > >
Toulimen Legrand, 25-Apr-11 7:09 pm
Command Toulimen you are a full time + overtime blogger paid by the CIA because you dislike Aristide. You are defending the Duvalier regime and its atrocities because you and your relatives executed many Haitians that you believe were sympathized wit > >
Dato Domeck, 25-Apr-11 8:00 pm