Tiba, they had their chances no matter were they coming from...
Jean Pierre Alexandre says...
Tiba, they had their chances no matter were they coming from, France,USA, Canada,Panama, DR ect.
Believe it or not, those kids are coming from bad parents that use to listen to Aristide when he was a priest at St- Jean Bosco.
Aristide movements creates lazy people, thieves,nacotic dealers, rapist,women abusers, molesters,punks, maniacs,Aristide cause alot of Haitians become shameless.
Bad seeds are defective seed period.The only remedy is to exterminate them like rodents if they refuse to work.
The new gov should hire them to clean the rubbles, teaching them to farm the land, operating heavy equipments in roads, farms,industrial machineries.
Creates jobs for these bastards, roads, bridges all over the territory for them to work, a maintenance dept system to fix potholes.
Hoping some day they will adjust themselves in with the rest of the people.
It's a waste of time to keep them in jail, aslo not to gives them a second chance and a new way to start.
They can be usefull to rebuilt Haiti.
I don't care about them unless they can proove they are ready to join hands to accomplish something good in this society.
Put them against the wall and send them to hell, i don't care.
They are bad seeds from bad parents.
The topic is: Deported Haitian Criminals Complaining, Want to Come Back!
This is a reply to Msg 28247
Posted by Jean Pierre Alexandre on April 24 2011 at 11:03 AM