Vonvon, Haiti can get very cheap weapons thru China...
Jean Pierre Alexandre says...
Vonvon, Haiti can get very cheap weapons thru China, Russia,Israel.
Now, it's not the time for Lockheed, Boeing or Detonics.
Haiti needs farm tractors with plows, bulldozers,motor graders, cultivators,
Canals for irrigation, trawlers for fishing, Chickens farms, lives stocks for meat to feed the Haitian kids for proteins, educations,healthcare system ect.
We don't need Lockheed Martin, Boeings military war planes or helicopters yet.
We do need an army for self defense after 5 years we can up grade to high tech weapon system, than we will need Lockheed, Detonics,Boeing weapons.
The topic is: Contract for Tanks,Machine guns,warplanes,jail construction underway
This is a reply to Msg 28141
Posted by Jean Pierre Alexandre on April 18 2011 at 8:42 PM
Messages in this topic
Vonvon,Haiti can get very cheap weapons thru China,Russia,Israel. Now,it's not the time for Lockheed,Boeing or Detonics. Haiti needs farm tractors with plows,bulldozers,motor graders,cultivators, Canals for irrigation,trawlers for fishing,Chicken
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Jean Pierre Alexandre, 18-Apr-11 8:42 pm
There is plans to have an intelligence service anti-communist also This will be a renaissance of the Duvalier times 1957-1986 Martelly should make a full disclosure of all his assets tangible and liquid. So let Mr.Dim-Witted & passt,passgas-flatulen
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Concerned Haitian, 20-Apr-11 6:16 pm
Nothing else to add, you are making the right point; they must be no deal on arms, construction of jail, bomb shell we don't need those crap. Haiti needs What MR. Jean Pierre just stated. Haitian Leader especially rgwe new President will not go
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Pastor Rivel Dumaine Dr., 20-Apr-11 9:33 pm
I agree with you at 100% that Haiti does not need arms' contract rather it needs technical equipments and good human resources to rebuild, but Uncle Sam will not agree with you and he will not stop financing kidnapping activities in Haiti. America h
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Toulimen, 21-Apr-11 1:25 pm
I bet you that the American will compell Sweet Micky to build more jails,prisons,gendarmes,spies,leopards and macoutes rather than build schools,universities and hospital. If Haiti change for the better in 5 or 10 years,the Americans might start pro
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Luc Pierre, 21-Apr-11 2:57 pm
We have good spring water all over the territory too,we just need to protect our environment and have some good tap water for every house in the country. We need to get out the box,need to think big,need to think 100 years ahead. I wonder if haiti
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Jean Pierre Alexandre, 21-Apr-11 3:25 pm
Martelly needs to bring the guns and jails to arrest all Lavalasses and Unite partisans and reopen Fort Dimanche 12 hour after his inauguration.Those that don't like it should leave Haiti right now
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Duvalierist De 1ere Heure, 21-Apr-11 6:20 pm