Yves, i think you still stock from last century. Maybe you...
Ray Di Marco says...
Yves, i think you still stock from last century.
Maybe you have let Le Pen doctrine got the best of you, and sorry to let you know, there is no remedy for your disease, but time. Where he is now?
you tell me. He's a faillure..well let see if Marine can resurect that ideology at the next election.
The world has known chimera caractere like you before, and where are they now, you tell us since you are the expert historian.
You are a disgrace to the french just like your mentor Jean Marie.
You are nothing but a wannabe.
Take sometime to look around you. Your presence repeatedly on this site prove that you are a desperate man, maybe worst, rejected by your own clan.
The topic is: Un sale negre au teint clair est un grimo ou grima
This is a reply to Msg 13438
Posted by Ray Di Marco on April 14 2011 at 3:00 PM