Yon neg konsa pa dwe rete vivan pami nou. Nou dwe chire...

Jean Pierre Alexandre says...

Yon neg konsa pa dwe rete vivan pami nou.
Nou dwe chire batiste'e msie ti kal pa ti kal.
Yon neg konsa merite yon grin'n mayi nan fal'li.

The topic is: Stanley Lucas Et Les Occupants De Chez Nous
This is a reply to Msg 28047
Posted by Jean Pierre Alexandre on April 14 2011 at 11:29 AM

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Yon neg konsa pa dwe rete vivan pami nou. Nou dwe chire batiste'e msie ti kal pa ti kal. Yon neg konsa merite yon grin'n mayi nan fal'li. > >
Jean Pierre Alexandre, 14-Apr-11 11:29 am
Frem sa tris salopri a voye Aristide al bwe kob li nan Afrik di Sid pou li menm tou te ka ale bwe kob li tou apre li fini vole tou. Men Aristide retounen san jije e lap bwe kob li anko an Ayiti kote kochon yo bay pou Stanley konvoke lame franse retou > >
Serge P. Leblanc, 14-Apr-11 12:53 pm
Nou fou't pran anba malediksyon sa yo,nou te deja pran nan kout pa konpran'n deja,epi sak pimal'la yo vle fokop nou plis toujou san gade deyie. Bagay sa yo fe kem grow neg. Ki le'e jee ayisyen ap ouvri? Sa ke nap fe'e ak neg yo bay pou likas > >
Jean Pierre Alexandre, 14-Apr-11 1:22 pm
Mwen pral fe yo kwit li nan facebook paske misye enbesil twop. Foli pouvwa fe li bleye tout sa yo rele kilti pep ayisyen. Kras manje ak senk goud nan bouda blan yo fe li egare. Mwen pral rele radyo Signal FM ki chita kap bay jol bokye pale a pou'm k > >
Joubert, 14-Apr-11 3:40 pm
HAITI 15 OCTOBRE 2010 SEIZIEME ANNIVERSAIRE DE L'OCCUPATION: LES HOMMES DE L'OCCUPANT par Stanley Lucas Le Mercredi 6 Octobre 2010 Yvon Neptune l'ancien Premier Ministre de Jean Bertrand Aristide nous apprend que la these de kidnapping de 2010 > >
Nadege Gernain, 23-Apr-11 12:16 am
Every one invole in any government after Jean Claude Duvalier are guilty of treason "concerning Haiti". Aristide and preval need to go on trial. 2 kalanbe'e sa yo dwe jije. > >
Jean Pierre Alexandre, 23-Apr-11 6:02 am
No Jean Claude and his father are the traitors that killed the Haitians the American disliked.Therefore Duvalier should go to trial and executed 22 September 2012. Hell to his soul Arrete Docteur Francois Bayakou, president des assassins. Vue l'ar > >
Madame Max Aldophe, 23-Apr-11 10:43 am
HAITI ET RADIOGRAPHIE DU 16 DECEMBRE : 19 ANS DE TRAHISON PAR STANLEY LUCAS 19 ans deja depuis que la trahison continue avec la mise a mort des aspirations de modernisation du systeme economique et politique du pays du pays en gestation depuis le > >
Carole Demes, 23-Apr-11 6:35 pm
Stanley Lucas pictures in his Uncle Tom festival.He is a tioul of the western powers particularly the AmerRequins. Our boy has a preference to be seen with light-skin people. Pay attention to the pictures. You could have an idea about a person menta > >
Scientific Observation, 23-Apr-11 7:26 pm
We know all that.The question is,what are you going to do about it? I'am sure you don't want to cut his balls off with a boiled razor blade. So be quiet clito. > >
Jean Pierre Alexandre, 23-Apr-11 9:14 pm
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