Haitian Cultural destruction Thru Wyclef-Martelly
Brigadier General-sud says...
The think thanks in Washington are using the questionable monies achievement of the illiterate Wyclef and the semi-literate Martelly aka Sick Micky who cannot read the fine prints without the assistance of a battery of so called helpers'
The Amer-Requins want the Haitians to reject education as an option to move foward in life and to emulate as model the style of people like 2pac, Notorious B.I.G.,NAS, Snoop Dogg, Eminen,Jay Zee, Little Kim, Lady Gaga, Puff daddy, Sick Micky and the like.This will be a short cut to zombify the Haitian society thru the drug culture, homosexuality,criminal enterprises and organized crimes.
Posted by Brigadier General-sud on April 13 2011 at 2:10 PM