This is Able Rooster. Toulimen L., again you missed my point...

Rooster says...

This is Able Rooster.

Toulimen L., again you missed my point.

America is the puppeteer; minustah is the puppet.

Get it now?

The topic is: U.S. Cultural Invasion In Haiti Must Stop
This is a reply to Msg 28025
Posted by Rooster on April 13 2011 at 1:59 PM

Messages in this topic

I will not not say that MINUSTAH is a bunch of monkeys because MINUSTAH is an American agency's creation for colonizing Haiti. MINUSTAH is a sister organization of the United Nations which is an American institution because all U.N. executive employ > >
Toulimen Legrand, 13-Apr-11 1:28 pm
Toutlumin works for the counterintelligence division for the CIA in operation "Walking back the cat" > >
Assamiacana Aruelta, 13-Apr-11 1:41 pm
This is Able Rooster. Toulimen L., again you missed my point. America is the puppeteer; minustah is the puppet. Get it now? > >
Rooster, 13-Apr-11 1:59 pm
America as a puppet master as you call it is dealing with a non-puppet MINUSTAH and Edmond Mullet proves not to be a puppet of the United States. The United States needs to know how to cooperate with other countries by not putting ahead its only econ > >
Toulimen Legrand, 13-Apr-11 2:58 pm