Rooster, I always read your inputs. Most of the time i agree...

Jean Pierre Alexandre says...

Rooster, I always read your inputs.

Most of the time i agree with you base in the truth, like yesterday you said Haitians fuck'up/ruins Haiti.

That is the truth 100%,you have to remember for the past 200 hundred years USA is the first country to put an embargo and refuse to reconize our independence, France destroyed our econnomy to the ground and the rest of europe had they own reasons to support the oppressors.

It's clear things will change.

The topic is: Stanley Lucas Calls For Vaccination Against Cholera In Haiti
This is a reply to Msg 28018
Posted by Jean Pierre Alexandre on April 13 2011 at 1:07 PM

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Joubert, tu es un petit menteur lavalassien qui pratique la politique de la haine contre Stanley Lucas qui vous a battu sur le terrain des idees, du debat et du dialogue. Vous detestez Stanley Lucas pour avoir demontre comment vous Lavalas et INITE s > >
Jacqueline Momnse, 6-Apr-11 10:24 am
Aristide and Lucas are brothers and they belong to that same gang that is managing Haiti. You, Aristide and Lucas can sell Haiti for a loaf of bread, but I will not do that. Toulimen, Joubert, Leblanc, Middy, Tiba, Rev Dumaine, Carlos, Jynnee, Jean-P > >
Joubert, 6-Apr-11 6:56 pm
Well, one must be crazy to put Lucas and Aristide in the same camp? You can put Duvalier, Aristide, Preval in the same camp because they were in power and stole the Haitian people money. Stanley Lucas has never held office in Haiti, never manage publ > >
Marjorie Sainvil, 7-Apr-11 12:26 pm
Petrus: A CIA agent is someone defending Americas and foreign interests in Haiti. Is Jean Bertrand Aristide CIA? 1. Who requested the US military intervention in 1994? Jean Bertrand Aristide. As a reminder a video of C-Span showing Jean Betrand Ar > >
Dieusimene Francois, 11-Apr-11 4:34 pm
Well said brother and nothing else to add. That is where the double standard between Aristide and the occupation, destruction, and the corruption with the cronies to sell Haiti. He is the worst guy Haiti is ever known in it history.He destroyed the s > >
Pastor Rivel Dumaine Dr., 11-Apr-11 10:11 pm
This the people who know what they talking about without prejudice and partiality. Good job. God bless you for this enlightment. > >
Pastor Rivel Dumaine Dr., 12-Apr-11 10:26 pm
Toulimen Legrand is a champion in conspiracy theory. If the U.S. is so bad why are you still here? > >
Aprebaltamboulou, 12-Apr-11 10:42 pm
No we are prisoners of war in the US. All Americans Canadians and French must leave Haiti before we could return. We are the victims of US exploitations,intervention and political abuses in Haiti. > >
Boiron Tonnerre, 12-Apr-11 11:15 pm
This is Able Rooster. That is the most irresponsible, inept, moronic, bleeding-heart bunch of horse manure I have ever heard. You're prisoners of war? You have got to be kidding me! Arguments such as your own are what makes the Haitian dilemma so > >
Rooster, 13-Apr-11 12:39 pm
Rooster,I always read your inputs. Most of the time i agree with you base in the truth,like yesterday you said Haitians fuck'up/ruins Haiti. That is the truth 100%,you have to remember for the past 200 hundred years USA is the first country to put > >
Jean Pierre Alexandre, 13-Apr-11 1:07 pm
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