Be Careful: You Are Using A CIA-Haitian Elites' Blog
Joubert says...
They are taking notes on everything you said and Ablerooster is a CIA appointed spy on this blog. Read his post wishing Long Live To CIA that is for all Haitians a criminal network that keeps dividing us and killing many educated Haitians.
Don't reply to this spy agent!
Posted by Joubert on April 11 2011 at 11:38 PM
Messages in this topic
Joubert, This is Able Rooster. Believe it or not, the CIA keeps you ALIVE. Believe it. > >
Rooster, 13-Apr-11 12:56 pm
The Truth About Aristide: Mob Boss or Persecuted Priest? Over the past 50 years, Haiti has suffered under the rule of strongmen: Francois “Papa Doc” Duvalier followed by his son Jean Claude “Baby Doc” Duvalier, Jean Bertrand Aristide, and... > >
Mercedes Clitandre, 13-Apr-11 1:19 pm
Do not put Aristide in this CRAP because Aristide was subjected to an embargo by the AmerRequins because he was not willing to let them and the tiny elite in Haiti to keep the majority of the Haitian in extreme poverty > >
Petit Soldat Revolutionai, 13-Apr-11 1:31 pm