Sak fe'e nou pa komanse al netoiye, dekonble potoprins, al...

Jean Pierre Alexandre says...

Sak fe'e nou pa komanse al netoiye, dekonble potoprins, al itil peyi'ya ban chin.
Wou chaje lajan peyi'ya nan zago'wou, achete ekipman pou al dekonble ayiti.

The topic is: Michel Martelly Emergency press conference Sunday April 10th 2011
This is a reply to Msg 27917
Posted by Jean Pierre Alexandre on April 10 2011 at 8:42 PM

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This is the same network. Dessalines the Avenger was right. Now we have the big picture of what is going on on this blog.Tous ceux qui se ressemble s'assemble-ensemle ensemble. > >
Yanike, 10-Apr-11 6:03 pm
Martelly used to be vulgar as an entertainer, so what? He was an entertainer and he did the best he could to entertain his million fans, so what? He used to play good music although he was vulgar. All the vulgar words that he used in this posted song > >
Toulimen Legrand, 10-Apr-11 6:37 pm
Tet langet manman lavalas ak tot't aristid,preval > >
Jean Pierre Alexandre, 10-Apr-11 8:22 pm
Martelly was the best super star in Haiti (president Compas) Martelly will be the best and a super president of Haiti. Ban kalanbe'e,"good for nothing" like the Nigerians used to say. Ban san ront't, > >
Jean Pierre Alexandre, 10-Apr-11 8:34 pm
Sak fe'e nou pa komanse al netoiye,dekonble potoprins,al itil peyi'ya ban chin. Wou chaje lajan peyi'ya nan zago'wou,achete ekipman pou al dekonble ayiti. > >
Jean Pierre Alexandre, 10-Apr-11 8:42 pm
Mon che ou we koman met blog sila a malonet. Lap pran depi se sije ansyen ke moun poste e pi lap ekri akizasyon depi le li we ke salopri kandida li a pa reyisi. Li chita lap pote akizasyon e poste videyo santi pou li ka diskredite Martelly ki pa kama > >
Toulimen Legrand, 10-Apr-11 8:51 pm
Vous etes un imbecile, la communaute internationale n'a pas impose Martelly mais le peuple Haitien l'a elu alors elle se plie devant la volonte populaire. Il n'y a pas eu aucune imposition de leur part. La mobilization Haitienne a fait que ce soit > >
Leblanc, 10-Apr-11 9:00 pm
kenbe la, bay pep la bouch li poul pale menm si se sou mwen men pale pale wi se pou ayiti chanje e si yon neg konpran yo pral fe lobey pou peyi sa a pa avanse eben se ak pep ayisyen yo an afe. Mete lod nan dezod bay chak reprezantan gouvernman > >
Pastor Rivel Dumaine Dr., 10-Apr-11 9:45 pm
Quel culture? Quel moeurs?.You need to be in a mental institution. Martelly vle netoyer peyi ya kitel. Ou mem avek mouin chita aux etats Unis so fermez dent ou vaurient > >
Sebastian, 11-Apr-11 6:57 am
Mon che,tan'n non wou ap tande! Yo komanse dekontrole'e wi,sezisman'yan te tro'p pou yo wi! A die wri dan,yo ap pran baton tankou le ke anj Gabryel tap bay satan baton. Shalom. > >
Jean Pierre Alexandre, 11-Apr-11 7:05 am
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