I am not blaming any nations at all but I am pointing out the...
Toulimen Legrand says...
I am not blaming any nations at all but I am pointing out the cancer that is ruining Haiti.
The cancer of Haiti is a conspiracy plot between the CIA and certain members of the Haitian elites.
Both of the groups are involving in killing of Haitians in great numbers and both of them are using uneducated Haitians to kill on their behalf and this must stop. The CIA forces as stationed in Avenue N in Port-au-Pce are trained to divide, kill and make coups d'etats in Haiti.
This country cannot continue to work like that. It is time to end killing in Haiti.
CIA exists in America but it is not killing Americans when they oppose to the U.S. government policies and why should they kill Haitian dissidents because they are against them?
Do Haitians have the right to protect and defend their culture?
Sylvio C. Claude, Jean-Claude Paul, Yves Volel, Jean-Dominique, Antoine Ismery, Georges Ismery, Mireille Durocher Bertin, Roger Lafontant, Guy Malary, Luc B. Innocent and Louis Eugene Atis to name a few were on the CIA's list to be killed based on the Wikileak's cable news and all got killed by paid hit Haitian men in Haiti.
We cannot continue to deal with a criminal force like that in Haiti.
They should leave Haiti because Haiti is an independent country.
They want to make Haiti a country with impunity for criminals and it cannot work this way my friend.
This is a cancer to cure not treat but to eradicate once to free Haiti.
Other Haitians are killed by those Syrian and Italian merchants through hit paid Haitian men. Should we continue to accept those as normal facts of life?
No, my friend this must stop.
You point out Israel, China and India were poorer than Haiti in the 1960s, but they were not facing what Haiti is facing now. The killing conspiracy's theory is a great threat for any society.
We need a change of mentality like Martelly keeps advocating it. Haiti cannot continue on this path. The United States under the conservative republican leadership is the one destroying Haiti and our culture too. We cannot progress if there is no change of attitude from the CIA and the Haitian Mafia elites to stop those crimes with on-going investigation all the times.
Enough is enough and the CIA's network killing machine must be dismantled for Haiti to be saved.
I am telling you at 100% if there is no change of attitude on these two killing groups Haiti will never change and you will stay overseas until you die. I am not making false accusations and I have to repeat Rev Jessee Jackson all Haiti needs is this: America must stop destroying Haiti and the Haitian people.
There can be real and effective leadership if the CIA is not out of Haiti.
The latter is not an American territory and Haitians must be free to live in their country period.
The topic is: CIA's Spies Are Arguing About Haitian Former Pdts To Divide More Haitians
This is a reply to Msg 27896
Posted by Toulimen Legrand on April 10 2011 at 1:57 AM