Just give them a chance to do their job
Pascauxx22 says...
I think Mr. Preval and his administration just need a chance.
A chance to use their good judgement and knowledge to put Haiti back on its tracks.
If the Haitian people voted for him, it is because that we know they could do a better job. in the other hand, that does not mean we are suppose to stop been concerning about our public affairs, because opportunists or thieve are everywhere.
they are just waiting for the right time to strick again.
the same people that use to steal our taxes money and our out side aides are still around, and their goal is to boycote efforts of good governments, in other to keep doing what they do best, stealing our country's revenue.
So, the only thing we have to do to help Preval and his administration better help Haiti, is to watch out for those opportunist or thieve; because our political instabilisation is their econnomic stability.
A good five years of good administration of Preval, will bring a stable Haiti.
And a stable country is a healthy and whealthy country.
Good government minus thieve is equal to lest tribulation and misery in our beloved Haiti.
I hope Preval the best.
This is a reply to Msg 146
Posted by Pascauxx22 on September 20 2006 at 2:55 AM
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Loly, your concern is much understandable, but remember Preval is not a man of words like the other fellow, he's a man of actions. I am sure he will accomplish a lot during the next five years. And don't even think about coup against him. That wil
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Ayisyen Patriyot, 11-Jun-06 8:50 am
thanks a lot for your reply i am sure we are not in place to critized a man in order to justified anoter man are we talking about Juda and Jesus Christ? if any of us is completly perfect throw the first rock I REST MY CASE
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Loly, 11-Jun-06 9:05 am
preziden Preval mouin kontan pale avek ou.Mouin rinmin gouvenman an anpil.Mouin fe-l konfians min you sel bagay map mande ou,etan you aysien kap viv al'etranje.Sekirite pou peyi tanpri pa blie preziden Aristid paske Titid pa kap rete deyo.
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Yves Thelusma, 19-Jun-06 12:45 am
You're a fool. Si Aristid tounen tout espwa sekirite menase, Kite Preval aji pou kont li. Kite aristid bwe kob li an afrik di sid, E nou tout ki deyo-a e bet nou ye? Kite volo-a bwe kob li an afrik di sid. sil tounen bagay yo pral melanje. tout ginen
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Ayisyen Patriyot, 19-Jun-06 8:19 pm
as haitian i believe that haiti should look forward for the future instead of looking backward. it's been so many years they try to fix things in haiti but theleftist seing in a different ways> by kidnaping, destabilizing and violating people right.m
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Timiracle, 23-Jul-06 3:50 pm
I think what you wrote would have been exceptional,but you failed a very vital principle"Stop acusing each other,stop calling each other Lucifer" You need to recognise that Haiti needs the help of all her children. The family will never be at pea
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Louinel Jean, 24-Jul-06 5:15 pm
Why we cannot speak the truth. Calling criminals, those who are doing criminal acts. In a matter of fact, I do not think we should be united with criminals. They should be punished for their wrong doings, as they do every where. It is only in Haiti,
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Jocelyn, 10-Aug-06 11:14 pm
I think Mr. Preval and his administration just need a chance. A chance to use their good judgement and knowledge to put Haiti back on its tracks. If the Haitian people voted for him, it is because that we know they could do a better job. in the other
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Pascauxx22, 20-Sep-06 2:55 am
I support Pascauxx22 for Mr. Preval needs a chance to govern the country but at the same time we need to keep on track what they are doing for we people have a tendency to shift. i have something to complain about is that i don't understand why do th
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Mo, 20-Sep-06 11:14 am
The second coming of president Rene Gracia Preval was a difficult electoral proccess, this election has proven democracy is not dead in Haiti. By the same token it could be the incarnation of a new party the Republican party. What does this mean? To
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Samuel Frederique, 22-Sep-06 11:53 pm
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