Bellerive to Keep his Job with Martelly!

Please tell me it ain't so!

I have been going to the bathroom every 2 minutes because since I heard about this potential move by Martelly, I've been having the worst diarrhea and chest pain.

Martelly was preaching for CHANGE throughout his campaign and the people picked him as their president to bring them the change he was talking about.

And he is now about to keep the most incompetent and mediocre prime minister, Bellerive, in his government.

Gade non Marteli, pinga ou fout ranse ak pep la tande!

Keeping Bellerive, who is the most incompetent and mediocre, as prime minister of your government is NOT change but rather the samo, samo crap. Haitians do not want to deal with anyone associated with Preval period.

Look how Bellerive handled the eartquake aftermath, how he treated the people, and how he is handling the reconstruction.

Martelly, haven't you watched the piece on 60 minutes showing how poorly Bellerive is handling the reconstruction materials left on the ports wasting and rotting?

He said that he did not know all this bad management was going on in the ports.

All the materials were being held in the ports that he was supposed to be managing.

Don't you find that to be shameful?

How could he not know tons of building materials were being held in custom by his cronies?

This is to prove how incompetent and mediocre the man is, and you want to keep him as prime minister of your government?

Appointing this man as your prime minister is a sign reflecting of your already incompetence and mediocrity.

If that is a dawn deal, I am already your worst nightmare because this seems to be the same BS only in different day.

Posted by Tiba on April 8 2011 at 5:24 PM


Shut up dummy, tioul, restavek macoute,opportunist.Bellerive is qualified for the job. He will prevent multiple embarrassment for Haiti in ...
Aux Calbasses, April 08 2011 · Reply

You most be a thief like him. Jean Max Bellerive is a thief,a professional thief with style not like Preval. The new president should get a ...
Jean Pierre Alexandre, April 08 2011 · Reply

Hey aux calbasses, I must say that you deserve your name (calbasse). "Tete calbasse" means your head is full of crap just like a calbasse, lack ...
Tiba, April 08 2011 · Reply

Wait a minute Tiba, that's what we can call political family's inner circle within the Haitian presidency. Bellerive is a qualified, cool and ...
Toulimen Legrand, April 08 2011 · Reply

Toulimen,please we most reconize if a top official fail,he fail period.We are not talking about earthquakes here,as for that,the whole things got ...
Jean Pierre Alexandre, April 09 2011 · Reply

Toulimen, You have made your case very brilliantly, and therefore, I am ready to give Bellerive the benifit of the doubt temporarily just to ...
Tiba, April 09 2011 · Reply

Homo Tiba said,"Tete calbasse" means your head is full of crap just like a calbasse, lack of intelligence. Mademoiselle tiba, This is how you ...
Aux Calbasses, April 09 2011 · Reply

My friend, we must keep up with the fight. Haitian Politics sucks and it takes me a lot of times at night to decipher what Haitian politics mean ...
Toulimen Legrand, April 09 2011 · Reply

Jean, I don't blame you from talking this way and it is ok. I did not know much about Bellerive until I learned about his educational background ...
Toulimen Legrand, April 09 2011 · Reply

Toulumen, by the way we are about to publish on facebook video of you and Toto Constant leaving the CIA headquarter in Virginia few years ...
Angela Brown, April 09 2011 · Reply

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