Hatian Unity Should Be Martelly's First Priority
Toulimen Legrand says...
Haitian Unity Must Be A Priority:
At this present moment, Haitians all across the globe need to pay attention to what's happening in the Arab World and especially in Africa with the Neocolonialist powers from the Western World.
We will be the next target for not protecting our culture while cultivating a strong desire to import foreign democracy which will not come without a price.
Actually, we are arguing about decentralization which is good for a redistribution of the Haitian wealth, but at the same time we need to think about the unity of the Haitian soil after making some regions very autonomous.
The countries that want us to decentralize our market economy have done the same to prevent future separations of territories in their countries and we must do the same as well.
Once the state of Haiti achieves the decentralization goal, they should establish Five Regional Protection Forces headquarters to watch and protect the whole country against internal dissidents.
Imperialistic countries like autonomous regions and they use them as their tools to divide countries and separate them when their interests are at stake like Southern Sudan and right now Benghazi in Lybia.
They don't like that inside their countries but they will like it inside others' countries.
What Michel Martelly needs to think now is the unity of the country and he must use his healing power as a healer to unite all Haitians to save Haiti.
He should not be talking about political partisanship rather he should articulate the concept of Haitianism to show to the dividers that all Haitians are Haitians and they should be treated with dignity and respect.
He should find a way to cooperate with the former Haitian presidents in Haiti to save Haiti.
I heard that the general presidents are all in Haiti and they are ready to serve the causes of the Haitian nation, but I am not against this idea because they are all Haitians and one thing that I would love to say to Micky is this: Prudence brother!
You need to use all Haitian resources to save Haiti as you will be trying to heal us, but don't undermine the occupation of Haiti with MINUSTAH and the CIA bases in Avenue N and Tabarre.
Don't undermine the power of the U.S.CIA that is aimed to divide Haitians as well as killing them. Without unity, we will lose our Haitian cause and the imperialistic powers will win. They are the ones that are selling all bad images of Haiti to make others disrespect Haitians in their countries.
Please Micky, develop the country for Haitians and not for foreigners.
Redevelop our beaches for us i.e. Haitians in the Diaspora and Haitians in Haiti and not for prostitute tourists who will come on board to infect us with diseases.
Use the e-learning to promote education and certify Haitians from the Diaspora to teach those courses to Haitians.
Develop a GED program and make computers affordable so Haitians can buy them to study in their homes.
Create regional educational centers with a minimum of specialists to oversee this program and in 5 years you will educate many Haitians.
With their GED diplomas, open the door for them so they can continue their education in vocational schools or universities.
Through the E-Learning you can launch an alphabetization campaign under the guidance of some regional leaders and many Haitians will be willing to learn and it will cost less money to do that. With the power of the web Michel, you can educate many Haitians with little cost. Please listen and act!
Look what's happening in Ivory Coast, the biggest exporting cacao country in the world.
Laurent Gbagbo has taken drastic measures to bring all Ivory's economic resources under his control to stop all foreign exploitation of this product against the national interests of Ivory and once he does that the foreign powers through the UN rally against him while they are finding ways to oust him from power.
Supported by the University students and some branches of the military not the republican conservative force of Ivory Gbagbo seems to gain momentum and the exit is not easy to them. He did the same thing that Ghadafi did before those crises that were armed his nation against any foreign powers that want to colonize their countries and it works.
What they did in Ivory Coast could be done in any other countries in the world.
In Ivory, they have an Independent Electoral Council (IEC) and a Constitutional Council (CC), both independent instances.
The only instance accredited to certify elections in Ivory Coast is the IEC and not the CC instance.
The CC instance has to monitor elections and point out frauds for proper correction but it has no authority to certify elections.
The International Community that is not satisfied with Gbagbo latest economic decisions to stop exploitation of the cacao revenues in his country use the Constitutional Council to reach an electoral decision to allow Alassane Ouattara, a sold-out Ivorian to become the next president to replace Gbagbo while the IEC does not recognize him as the winner of those elections there.
They are the ones who are dividing unified countries against their own national interests while using sold-out national citizens of those countries to do those dirty secret jobs and Chavez or Brazil could be next. In Haiti, they have the control of our mangos and avocados and the day we decide to bring those productions under our control they will do that to us. That is why I am asking all Haitians to seek unity to understand the imperialistic powers' games which are exploitation, internal divisions and colonization.
We must unite ourselves to protect and save Haiti from those exploiters.
They have their own democratic agenda and rules don't exist for them when they want to do something and the Ivorian case is a perfect example of failed democratic policies of those foreign exploiters.
The United Nations exist to protect the powers of the rich countries against poor countries and it exists to facilitate foreign exploitations of those poor countries instead of lifting them up from poverty.
As Haitians, we should go back to our roots and find ways to save our country.
They have appointed several bloggers here to create disunity among us, but if we don't pay attention to those sold-out Haitians we will win the Haitian cause and all Haitians will be in better shape in their country.
We need to control Haiti and provide ways to decolonize it gradually.
We will do it through education and motivation of our fellow citizens and we must do that.
For unity, we must refrain ourselves from using those words lavalas, macoutists, duvalierists, prevalists, manigatists, cedrasists, avrilists, bonifasists, neretists, bazinists and trouillotists to name a few. The imperialistic powers like that if we can use them all the times so the sold-out Haitians could get their salaries from them. We must identify them through their writings that keep voicing divisions among us. We must provide economic solutions to our young elected president to save Haiti for he is the president of all Haitians.
He needs all Haitians to bring changes in Haiti and he needs to understand what's happening in the world and specially the CIA's destructive power in Haiti that puts us so behind in the past 60 years.
May the Almighty One bless and protect the Haitian Unity!
Posted by Toulimen Legrand on April 7 2011 at 5:59 AM