JMB, MJB,BJM whatever you call yourself. Depi'ley ti konkonm...

Jean Pierre Alexandre says...

JMB, MJB,BJM whatever you call yourself.

Depi'ley ti konkonm ap batay avek berejin ayisyen ap pale franse'e, latin,zangle'e, pangnol, ebre,kreol, flanman, grek, potige'e, arabik,jwal kebekoi ect tou se boul kaka.lang sa yo pat janm te fe peyi-ya avanse' trop lang ayisyen pale wi ki kraze fwra'nou, paseke nou youn'n pa konpran lote nan eseye inpresyone'e lot.
ayisyen gro memra'yo pi sot kesa ki pa kon pale plisie'e lang yo.
ayisyen pakon'nin ke yon lang se yon mwayin pou moun kominike.

Se sa ki fe Bon Die li min se lang li te deranje pou kraze konplo lyome nan konstriksyon Babel.

Ban'n idio

The topic is: President "Tete Kale" must rally ALL Haitians to be successful!
This is a reply to Msg 27768
Posted by Jean Pierre Alexandre on April 6 2011 at 9:49 AM

Messages in this topic

I totally agree and I couldn't have said it any better. He needs to continue to ask his son to read all Haitian's blog postings for our advices as he did it during his last campaign. He believes like Obama in the power of the internet and he should > >
Toulimen, 4-Apr-11 7:08 pm
Mr. Le lambi le President descent pantalon, Mr. Wicle Jean merite le poste d'ambassadeur haitien en France, il s'exprime tres bien en francais en creole et en anglais.Aussi, fera un bon ministre des affaires etrangeres, ton bras droit Mr. Pras. > >
Jmb, 6-Apr-11 8:57 am
JMB,MJB,BJM whatever you call yourself. Depi'ley ti konkonm ap batay avek berejin ayisyen ap pale franse'e,latin,zangle'e, pangnol,ebre,kreol,flanman, grek,potige'e,arabik,jwal kebekoi ect tou se boul kaka.lang sa yo pat janm te fe peyi-ya avan > >
Jean Pierre Alexandre, 6-Apr-11 9:49 am
ou gin poblem ak verite ti papa dim ki ca moin di ki manti > >
Mjb, 6-Apr-11 10:04 am