Let use cs of this new millennium that people will not have to...

Drriveldumaine At Aol.com says...

Let use cs of this new millennium that people will not have to dream about being the slave of the White, black or green Man so to say this. That is the problem of My Haitians brothers and sisters who need power to put the blame on religion or CIA that wanted the destruction of Haiti.

If people are really care about Haiti colonization, imperialistic, and corruption they should question Jean Bertrand Aristide who accepted the negotiation with the same forces that he told my people to avoid beeen associated with.

Let be fair with all the sound and wake up mind that I am one of the masses believing that knowledge and wisdom in the divine gift of God given to all man acquire exepreiences, so it is not from the so-called any man of this generation.

This is waht God wants for all of us today it is the time to take the street for you, but tomorrow your kids and patrons must take the street for me and others.

Let make the ehtical and moral point of this matter, and the capacity and responsibility deem giving to me to speak the truth.

It is the most impressive movement of my Haitian Heroes that gave freedom to the whole world, and this is why we are here to continue this mission to raise the standard of this great nation.

IF the belief is that white man is the problem, so why then communicated that to a Haitian brother and sister?

Send a memo to the United Nations, NATO and the EU in the Hague to render justice to all nations.

Assuming that Christianity is the problem of Haiti, so what about others nations that very rich with the same God of the Christian?

It must be impossible for Chrisitianity not to work only for Haiti.

If someone beleive that Christianity is the problem, then let make the choice of choosing the God that can make the greatedt thing.

As for me and my household I choose to live and die with Christ, but not for the Gospel of EU neither of the Imperialist and colonialist forces to use Pastors or PRiest to be their puppet.

Whoever wanted to serve Baal and Aristide go head with the choice of life.That is the reason they want to separate Religion and Politic, especially in Haiti.

Aristide a former Priest denied God just for the sake of power, but never and never for the love he has been entrusted for my people.Give the bloggers choice to choose the religion of Black man as Haitian, and what is called to be for all of the people?

The only ambition from the bottom of my heart is to be a voice for my people without any political agenda while trying to to receive the education that God allowed me to further eradicate the misery, illiteracy, and the machine of manipulation of my brothers.

WE are talking about being very smart due to the fact that the country is so far behind to the darkest moment of its life. Go ahead pray and worship your god, and let the people of faith all worship God only. Let wait to see how the next President will lead in the first ninety days of his or her Presidency.

Wanting to lern from you and all others, so the future will shape and bright for the future world.

Good job at this point.

dealing with the rout of the problem to cut off this disease.


Pastor Rivel Dumaine, Dr.

The topic is: "Double Standard in the Haitian' Justice"!
This is a reply to Msg 27486
Posted by Drriveldumaine At Aol.com on March 26 2011 at 12:10 AM

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The message is well passed, and there is no accusation to label any of these Former Presidents; however,the masses have been used by everyone not to their advantage rather than to their destruction. Why would you ask someone to stay out Haiti's poli > >
Pastor Rivel Dumaine Dr, 24-Mar-11 11:07 pm
You are a Christian Nigger converted into the white men's religion to make you live as a slave for the rest of your life. Sometimes, I am asking myself this question: If the white man did not force upon that Christianity religion into the lives of t > >
Joubert, 25-Mar-11 7:38 pm
Joubert You also fail to tell him that: The white men use to tell-the slaves you must obey your masters...if not you will not go to heaven. Not long ago a white trash racist named George Wallace said: segregation today, segregation yesterday and s > >
Kamoken, 25-Mar-11 11:21 pm
Let use cs of this new millennium that people will not have to dream about being the slave of the White, black or green Man so to say this. That is the problem of My Haitians brothers and sisters who need power to put the blame on religion or CIA th > >
Drriveldumaine At Aol.com, 26-Mar-11 12:10 am
The White men are laughing about those Haitian niggers who think they are free as being new converts. Apostle Paul states in the Christian bible that slaves should obey to their white masters because GOD has placed them above them. My friend, I belie > >
Joubert, 26-Mar-11 12:44 am
Sir you are right on the subject matter, so let it be George Wallace he is only here for a while this guy is not controlled his tiny nose neither anyone not to worry about his words let united together instead of criticize Pastors. the Problem of my > >
Pastor Rivel Dumaine Dr., 26-Mar-11 12:47 am
Well said sir it makes sense of your saying, but I am Christian cause God reveals Himself not of Apostle Paul the great persecutor of the Church, God is really God calling us to be slave and obey the masters but to be free indeed. I have rather die t > >
Pastor Rivel Dumaine Dr., 26-Mar-11 11:52 am
I have to jump in this discussion since Joubert is not responding this week. One thing that I would love to say is this no one needs to be Christian to carry in him or her some spirituality. The Greatness of the Holy Almighty One is not GOD meaning G > >
Toulimen Legrand, 26-Mar-11 3:11 pm
What's with the mass assault on Christianity?Are we really going to blame all of Haiti's issues on Christianity? Firt of all, Christianity is not a White man's religion. It is a sect birth out of Judaism and it first spread to Africa in Ethiopia a > >
Jynee, 26-Mar-11 7:41 pm
Jynne, you came up with pretty good ideas, but there is no practiced Christianity per se in the New World i.e. Americas and the Caribbean. Christianity is practiced in Bethleem and other parts in those Eastern Nations. However, in America we are prac > >
Toulimen Legrand, 26-Mar-11 9:13 pm
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