"Double Standard in the Haitian' Justice"!

Pastor Rivel Dumaine Dr says...

Frankly, It has been the darkest dilemma to understand or even comprehend Haiti' Judiciary, it was a sport of controversy, misinformation when Jean Claude Duvalier suddenly entered Haiti.

The System received Him with the intent to jail Him, so he was summoned to question under the Judge order for alleged crimes committed while He was President of Haiti although Jean Bertrand Aristide entered Haiti after exile in a Coup d' Etat organized by His former allies for not agreeing to cede power after his terms as agreed before.

Many around the world would observe that Jean Bertrand Aristide who received a warm welcome brought with-him many friends of the imperialist and colonialist forces in exception to a few of the inner circle.Why Jean Bertrand Aristide is not called to his summon in the Court of Law yet?

Why is there such a delay that he is enjoying that free pass, Is there supposed to be equal justice and rule of law?

Can some one tells me why is there a double standard in this situation that both committed crimes to their people to be under Police watch contrary to the malefactor that is not presented to the court?

Is it going to be the responsibility of the next President of Mr. Martelly or Mrs. Manigat to bring Jean Bertrand Aristide to face justice for crimes committed against hundreds of families while He was President of Haiti who chose to affiliated himself with the devil and Satan to kill many Haitians that were against his government?

Just an opinion of the situation in Haiti.

Anyone that has an answer should reply directly explaining how they should bring Jean Bertrand Aristide to face justice likewise Jean Claude Duvalier is under the court watch.

Don't forget that many people will be afraid to to speak for fear of been the target of the serial killer group.

Friends and blogger respond not with insult but with argument to the present cause and evidence of the circumstance.


Pastor Rivel Dumaine, Dr.

Posted by Pastor Rivel Dumaine Dr on March 24 2011 at 5:24 PM

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There is no double standard of justice in Haiti as you may have thought of it. Both presidents did not directly commit any crimes and again we don't have an organized justice system with good prison facilities to incarcerate executive type of prison > >
Joubert, 24-Mar-11 6:29 pm
The message is well passed, and there is no accusation to label any of these Former Presidents; however,the masses have been used by everyone not to their advantage rather than to their destruction. Why would you ask someone to stay out Haiti's poli > >
Pastor Rivel Dumaine Dr, 24-Mar-11 11:07 pm
You are a Christian Nigger converted into the white men's religion to make you live as a slave for the rest of your life. Sometimes, I am asking myself this question: If the white man did not force upon that Christianity religion into the lives of t > >
Joubert, 25-Mar-11 7:38 pm
Joubert You also fail to tell him that: The white men use to tell-the slaves you must obey your masters...if not you will not go to heaven. Not long ago a white trash racist named George Wallace said: segregation today, segregation yesterday and s > >
Kamoken, 25-Mar-11 11:21 pm
Let use cs of this new millennium that people will not have to dream about being the slave of the White, black or green Man so to say this. That is the problem of My Haitians brothers and sisters who need power to put the blame on religion or CIA th > >
Drriveldumaine At Aol.com, 26-Mar-11 12:10 am
The White men are laughing about those Haitian niggers who think they are free as being new converts. Apostle Paul states in the Christian bible that slaves should obey to their white masters because GOD has placed them above them. My friend, I belie > >
Joubert, 26-Mar-11 12:44 am
Sir you are right on the subject matter, so let it be George Wallace he is only here for a while this guy is not controlled his tiny nose neither anyone not to worry about his words let united together instead of criticize Pastors. the Problem of my > >
Pastor Rivel Dumaine Dr., 26-Mar-11 12:47 am
Well said sir it makes sense of your saying, but I am Christian cause God reveals Himself not of Apostle Paul the great persecutor of the Church, God is really God calling us to be slave and obey the masters but to be free indeed. I have rather die t > >
Pastor Rivel Dumaine Dr., 26-Mar-11 11:52 am
I have to jump in this discussion since Joubert is not responding this week. One thing that I would love to say is this no one needs to be Christian to carry in him or her some spirituality. The Greatness of the Holy Almighty One is not GOD meaning G > >
Toulimen Legrand, 26-Mar-11 3:11 pm
What's with the mass assault on Christianity?Are we really going to blame all of Haiti's issues on Christianity? Firt of all, Christianity is not a White man's religion. It is a sect birth out of Judaism and it first spread to Africa in Ethiopia a > >
Jynee, 26-Mar-11 7:41 pm
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