Hey Haitian People, Listen Up! Pras and Wyclef Soon to Lose Their Mortgages

L.a. Base Dark Knights says...

Haitian people, very soon, you might see Wyclef's residency move to Haiti, not for his 2016 presidency bid, but his house in New Jersey will be foreclosed; Additional debts to I.R.S., plus his failed 2010 presidency hopeful, will make him so broke to afford luxury anymore.

Also, he will not be able to rent fancy cars and bling bling.

Pras-- an already broke, who did not make too much success in music industry-- will have his situation aggravated.

Their only last hope is the, UNFORTUNATELY, successful of their friend Martelly in this election.

I.R.S. is serious on collecting debts.

Serious troubles are ahead for them. One question is asked now: What hope is left for Martelly, Wyclef and Pras, beginning March 21, 2011?

The Great King is Coming
L.A. Base Dark Knights

Posted by L.a. Base Dark Knights on March 14 2011 at 9:44 AM

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se sak fe yo cho pou micky ka prezidan pou yo ka vin plin poch yo mwen konpran' yo zafe moun sot yo ki pa we tout moun ki deye miky se vole yap kouri pou yo pa bo ici yo jetew yo haiti, haiti se voum an nou souce, intelektuel fin'n souce moun sot > >
Nancy, 14-Mar-11 3:29 pm
Pras Michel $90,000 Bounce check (Michel Martelly's Supporter) The Great King is Coming Hit Em Up From The Dark Knights > >
Hit Em Up, 19-Mar-11 1:06 pm