I had two courses on the Haitian Constitution from the First...

Toulimen says...

I had two courses on the Haitian Constitution from the First Two years of Law School in Haiti and we did not really learn much about the new Haitian Constitution.

We had one exam question asking us to compare and contrast the Haitian Consitution of 1983 to the one dated 1987 which I did it to earn 90% of the grade for both years.

Basically, we had studied all the Haitian Constitutions from 1791 to 1987 and all we did were comparing and contrasting those pieces of documents.

Most of them are reproductions of the old ones and I don't know how many Haitian Constitution classes that Mirelande took at Sorbogne University to accredit her as a Haitian Constitutionalist expert.

It is sad to hear that because she has a doctorate degree but I will not myself ursurp such a title if I have not studied at all a subject like that. At Sorbogne University they are teaching a class on Progressive and Democratic Constitutions and another one on Comparative Laws which focus on several democratic advanced societies and not Haiti.

My former girlfriend had a law degree from Sorbogne University and she never told me that she studied the Haitian Constitution there.

I am emailing her to see if she could send me a copy of the courses that they are teaching there to publish it here so we all can detect if really her doctorate degree in political sciences could accredit her to be a constitutionalist expert in Haiti.

It is sad and the reason is Haiti is not able to know who has honorary doctorate degree and real doctorate degree.

Obama has earned an honorary doctorate degree at Notre Dame University after earning two masters and Bill Gate has received his honorary bachelor degree from Washington State University although he never attended school in that institution as compared to Obama who studied for two years at Notre Dame University.

Who knows if she has not earned an honorary degree in Venezuela for her services there instead of Sorbogne.

What I realize people with rich class status background from Haiti enjoyed a lot of benefits at the hands of educated whites overseas than poor people coming with little educational background from Haiti.

The reason they promote them is because they want them to continue to remain the elites of our country forever to perpetuate the colonial ruling in Haiti.

Believe me many poor people like myself had done a lot of studies overseas but we will never be in the Haitian administrative system to change it. The only way for us to be in is to corrupt ourselves to be part of their vicious cycle.

It is sad but a good revolution in the days ahead will stop all those social injustices and one day all rocks lying on those rivers in Haiti will suffer the heat of all other rocks exposed to the sun outside of all Haitian rivers.

It will happen for sure and they will not be able to block it. I believe Desalines, Charlemagne Peralte, Toussaint's bloods to name a few did not bleed in vain and Haitians will awake and enough will be enough.

Poor Haitians are suffering too much in Haiti while those rich people are enjoying paradise life on the Haitian soil. We will not accept the suffering forever and as Mevz believes it Haitians like suffering and they are strong and resilient to live like that. This monster told Bill Clinton that who reported that to Preval in private meeting.

We will not be coward forever and one day we will teach them about our illimited patience.

The topic is: Madame Manigat:: Le Senat N'est Pas La Haute Cour De Justice
This is a reply to Msg 27230
Posted by Toulimen on March 13 2011 at 7:54 PM

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I support your argumentation that Haiti needs to adopt the First Written Constitution of 1801 with Dessalines with some constitutional amendments added to it due to the new Haitian daily realities. Those so-called Duvalierist experts who wrote the Co > >
Toulimen Legrand, 13-Mar-11 6:14 pm
I had two courses on the Haitian Constitution from the First Two years of Law School in Haiti and we did not really learn much about the new Haitian Constitution. We had one exam question asking us to compare and contrast the Haitian Consitution of 1 > >
Toulimen, 13-Mar-11 7:54 pm
Tiba & Toulimen you guys are a riot! You cannot win an argument so you want to change the rules Toulimen! Or you just quote out of context Tiba? You sound like a haitian version of the American Tea party/ birthers! I like how you throw in CIA, & Duvi > >
Natif Natal, 13-Mar-11 8:18 pm
LMAO! Tiba & Toulimen, I think I should nickname you T&T because you cause an explosion of laughter with your tea party tirades! Toulimen, if I were you, I would keep it under wraps that you spend 2 years in law school in Haiti! You are making o > >
Natif Natal, 13-Mar-11 8:51 pm
Tiba when trying to understand more about a certain topic the key thing is to READ MORE about from the original source! Don't sell yourself short, dude! Don't let other people "interpret" things for you all the time. The 1987 haitian constitution > >
Natif Natal, 13-Mar-11 9:08 pm
Natif Natal, Keep on laughing, I see that is your special skills. You seem to get a kick out of insulting people but my credentials was not meant to impress you but you seem to feel some kind a way about it since you feel the need to denigrate th > >
Jynee, 13-Mar-11 9:59 pm
Why would I waste my time arguing with a sixth grader person like you? You need to think and think again. Last reply no time for a silly sixth grader ok! > >
Toulimen, 13-Mar-11 10:44 pm
You are Rooster trying to lure these two guys under another name. Shame on you! Why don't you use another blog. You are a rejected blogger and you cannot understand that. I am going to ask Toulimen to post in french or in creole so we can shut you u > >
Joubert, 13-Mar-11 10:47 pm
Natif Natal, I never proclaimed to be a languistic expert or scholar. Didn't I tell you that I am not going to keep reading that piece of crap that is not worth the paper it is written on? It seems to me, however, the more you read the less y > >
Tiba, 14-Mar-11 5:56 am
Joube, Mwen swete fanatik Tet Kale/Tet Mato-yo ak fanatik Granmoun Plen Manigans-yo aprann poze kandida-yo kesyon ki difisil! E apre fanatik-yo dwe verifye repons-yo anvan yo louvri dyol-yo! Et avec des propos emprunter de votre homonyme [Joseph] > >
Natif Natal, 14-Mar-11 6:03 pm
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