Natif Natal, Darling you wish you could insult me. It seems to...
Jynee says...
Natif Natal,
Darling you wish you could insult me. It seems to you are the male sara Palin who Think he sees the High Court when he sees the Senate.
The guy who can't differentiate the verb "to be" and the verb "can."
So like our people like to say, dix tipiti tankou'w paka insultem.
That's the problem with some wannabe intellectuals, when they ran out of logic for their argument, they resume to insult.
I have a B.A in History from Rutgers University in May 2001 and a Law Degree from Florida State University in May 2004. I passed the New York Bar Exam the first time I took it in August of 2004. I was sworn in the New York Bar in 2005. I have worked as a consultant for some of the largest firms in New York City like Sullivan & Cromwell, Skadden, Cravath just to name a few. Names you probably never heard in your life.
I am well educated woman with common sense that is why I am not impressed by one's ability to speak French.
I am impressed by one's ability to analyze an issue.
I have also had the pleasure of practicing Immigration law and work with various Haitians from all classes.
I have met Haitians who can barely read but are able to quickly grasp a complicated immigration law concept and French speaking Haitians who are dumd as a rock when it comes to assessing and understanding a legal issue.
feel free to run from a debate that is beyond your level because the point Fs The Senate is not the High Court, you do not have a hearing before the full Senate.
Just because you have the ability to copy paste does not mean you understood what copied and pasted.
Insult away my dear, but do acknowledge that you are talking to a well-educated six-figure salary woman who worked her way to the top!
The topic is: Madame Manigat:: Le Senat N'est Pas La Haute Cour De Justice
This is a reply to Msg 27193
Posted by Jynee on March 12 2011 at 9:37 PM