Martelly's press release
Mmc says...
Martelly won the debate hands down
It wasn't predictable since Mrs. Manigat has always presented herself and has always been regarded as an Intellectual.
On the other hand it was not much of a surprise since Martelly has always shown that he mastered and understood the real problems of the Haitian people by proposing short and long-term solutions.
While the debate started with the usual courtesy, Martelly was quick to remind Mrs. Manigat that should she dare cross the line he would also get personal and let the Haitian people know who the real Mirlande Manigat who is hiding behind an intellectual mask. This statement took the audience by surprise.
While everyone expected a strong response from Mrs. Manigat, she chose to be quiet while Martelly casts doubt on her academic background since she never graduated from a Law School.
Members of the audience were amazed to watch an unrecognizable Mrs. Manigat yield to Martelly as she had no answers.
Martelly came to the podium almost empty handed with numbers and the Haitian reality well arranged in his head. The pile of documents on Mrs. Manigat's podium didn't seem to help much as she struggled to give clear answers and keep deferring to Martelly who got more and more comfortable.
A scene that prompted a Media personality to conclude that Mrs. Manigat would make a good President for a developed country but did not have a strong enough grasp of the Haitian reality to be our next President.
On the issue of reconstruction, Martelly came up with a slew of modern ideas while Mrs. Manigat was busy putting together big words which had nothing to do with reality.
Mrs. Manigat has always been an arrogant person who never missed an opportunity to distance herself from Mr. Martelly as she always reminded everyone of her expertise in Constitutional laws. As Martelly tells the audience of his plans to nominate a Chief Justice to the Supreme Court in order to have the High Court in place, Mrs. Manigat sarcastically reminded Mr. Martelly that the High Court was none other than the Senate of the Republic.
A statement that drew a standing ovation from her fans and supporters.
After the break, Martelly promptly read article 185 of the constitution which stipulates that the High Court of Justice is made of the President of the Senate, President and Vice-President of the Supreme Court and not the Senate of the Republic as the "Constitutionalist" said earlier.
A correction that embarrassed Mrs. Manigat in her own field of expertise as her fans and supporter's moustache grew longer.
This debate was the perfect opportunity for the Haitian people to appreciate the modern views of a new generation of leaders and at the same time unmask the half truths and failures of the past.
MMC, Press Office, Contact 3914 2459
The topic is: Madame Manigat:: Le Senat N'est Pas La Haute Cour De Justice
This is a reply to Msg 27148
Posted by Mmc on March 10 2011 at 5:24 PM