Madame Manigat:: Le Senat N'est Pas La Haute Cour De Justice
Toulimen Legrand says...
Posted by Toulimen Legrand on March 9 2011 at 9:06 PM
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Natif Natal, Darling you wish you could insult me. It seems to you are the male sara Palin who Think he sees the High Court when he sees the Senate. The guy who can't differentiate the verb "to be" and the verb "can." So like our people > >
Jynee, 12-Mar-11 9:37 pm
In a modernist perspective, action by a state that based on conscience without science is useless. "Intent" is an imagination of the mind. Imagination alone is not enough to overcome the difficulties facing Haiti. At the end of the day, talk is che > >
Eambo, 13-Mar-11 1:41 am
emboa, Please zip it! Just another "atalage de connaissance" as usual without merit. What was exactly your point? what was exactly the message you were trying to convey? Whatever it was I didn't get it but again I am slow, it could be me! > >
Tiba, 13-Mar-11 8:12 am
unfortunately Mme Manigat is right... Please consult Haiti's 1987 constitution article 97 point 2 that confirms that the Hight court of Justice is the haitian Senate under the leadership of the President of the Senate assisted by the President of th > >
Jean-claude Dupuy, 13-Mar-11 12:38 pm
Salut a tous, J'ai lu tous les posts a ce sujet, et j'ai aussi lu les articles concernes dans la constitution. Sans aucune partisanerie, sans pretendre etre ni constitutionnaliste ni politologue, juste en traduisant le francais tel que lu, je c > >
Alex, 13-Mar-11 12:57 pm
I like reading your postings on this blog. You always provide facts to back up your opinion and your level of reasoning always impresses me. You have raised serious questions about scholarly instructed people and educated citizens. In fact, I love ed > >
Toulimen, 13-Mar-11 1:19 pm
LMAO! I am not impressed by your background AT ALL, I actually would have hidden the fact that I was a lawyer if I were you. 1 argument that's all: what you know about the High Court of Haiti? So easy to actually look up, google it, wikipedia it!! > >
Natif Natal, 13-Mar-11 3:18 pm
Alex je vous remercie et vous avez bien compris ce debat. Martelly avait bien commence en decrivant la Haute Cour De Justice lorsque Mirelande a voulu l'effrayer en la faisant peur. Ce n'est pas de son domaine mais il l'a bien defendu et corrige a > >
Toulimen, 13-Mar-11 4:16 pm
Hey! uncle Toulimen, Please tell me this, where did the self-proclaimed constitutionalist expert/scholar, Mirlande, study the Haitian constitution? Do they teach it at Sorbone, or did she only read it once and then became the expert-scholar minute > >
Tiba, 13-Mar-11 4:20 pm
Natif Natal, Time out! You said "the High Court of justice IS NOT A PERMANENT BODY!" I agree with you on that one, but again no government body is permanent in Haiti. The CEP has be temporary (provisoire) long before Jesus Christ was born amo > >
Tiba, 13-Mar-11 5:10 pm