What a fairy-tale! Too bad this fight against so-called...
Aidawedo says...
What a fairy-tale!
Too bad this fight against so-called "rebels" to retake the city of Gonaives has been used by the enemies of democracy in Haiti to divide the people.
So some coup d'etat people are saying that Aristide should be tried for La Scierie -- which happened, or did not happen (no bodies, no proof), AFTER he was put on a plane at gun-point by US-Special Forces and Canadian Commandos, against his will and DEPORTED, to France's client state - the Central African Republic.
Neptune and Mayette both were arrested illegally and spent time in Haiti jails for the same charges they are accusing Aristide of and were BOTH eventually released because their MURDER case could not be PROVEN.
Now they were BOTH in Haiti at the time. How is Aristide who was in forced exile legally responsible for the civil war murders that coup detat folks brought on to Haiti?
Why is it that its those who stood on the side of the Constitutional government who were charged with murder?
But Aristide's accusers see no problem with Louis Chamblain, Guy Phillipe, Prosper Avril, Lame Timanchet, the Grand Ravine massacres thugs and Gerard Latortue thugs roaming free in Haiti.
Treason against the state is, what?, not a CRIME for the International Criminal Court (ICC)?
Why aren't Aristide's detractors calling for the International Criminal Court (ICC) court to prosecute the US for putting in secret prison ships, the Lavalas men they thought they could torture into revealing some misdeed of Aristide, for over two years after the 2004 coup d'etat?
Where are their indignation at such an abuse of power?
Where are their righteous indignation over the cold and calculated MURDER of hundreds of Lavalas and innocent men in cap Haitian, who Guy Phillipe and Louis Chamblain, along with their international mercenaries paid by the US - international mercenaries clothed all in black, from head to toe - Soldiers of fortune from the empire wars in Boznia, white soldiers from South Africa's past roaming the world with expertise in killing Blacks, DR mercernaries PAID to help Guy Phillipe and Chamblain who couldn't reveal themselves by entering Port-au-Prince, or TAKE DOWN Cap Haitien.
These murders of Lavalas were real murders by empire's mercenaries, hundreds of young men were rounded up in Cap Haitian and put in containers and drowned at sea! That's not fantasy that's real MURDER.
But the only thing the coup d'etat people SEE as CRIME in Haiti is the so-called La scierie violence AFTER Aristide was in exile! The leaders of the Aristide witch-hunt are calling for the US-controlled ICC to try Aristide for it.
How is Aristide LEGALLY responsible for what happened after he was taken down, his government destroyed, his supporters rounded up in a foreign imposed CIVIL WAR from 2004 to 2006, to be killed like animals?
Is it that they believe Haitians who don't want to sell-out Haiti have no right to SELF_DEFENSE?!
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The topic is: Massacre La Scierie St Marc Haiti
This is a reply to Msg 13156
Posted by Aidawedo on February 28 2011 at 4:41 PM