The U.S. Self-Containment Politics Against Haiti Must Stop Now!
Toulimen says...
After March 20,2011, I am urging the new Haitian government to issue a decree law and compell the new Haitian Parliament to vote the End of the U.S. Protectorate over Haiti.
I am asking the new government to submit the new law to the United Nations to make other nations aware of the end of the U.S. Self-Containment Politics against the state of Haiti so they can help Haiti restructure its economy.
The new government should renounce to all forms of help that can make it too dependent of the international community and especially the United States rather the Haitian government should apply for loans to develop its economy.
I am suggesting Haiti to seek loans from China, Russia and Venezuela to name a few. China loans are better than the U.S. loans and they are really aimed for economic development and not dependency.
The Haitian government should hire experts from the international community to work in Haiti and hire a few Haitian contractors to work at the lower level management to make sure the work will be supervized and done accordingly.
The new Haitian government should submit the new infrastructure plan of the New Port-Au-Pce for approval in order to get the loans disbursed.
The Time to help Haiti move forward is now. I am asking the new government to issue a decree to return Haiti to its initial 5 regional administrative and political divisions as it was before Duvalier came to power in 1957. The 9 or 10 provinces system will stay as it is but they will be under the regional umbrella of the new 5 administrative divisions.
Each region will be autonomous and they will collect their own taxes form their port of entry, housing, goods and services.
With this new structure new management will occur and the state of Haiti will have 5 new governorship electoral positions which will be assisted by 5 new mayors, 5 new executive municipality clerks, 5 regional police chiefs, 5 regional military forces, 5 regional boards of education and legislative chambers.
Only the capital of Haiti should have a chamber of senate and all the 5 legislatives will be working under the umbrella of the New Haitian Parliament.
The budget of the Haitian Republic should be divided by 5 and also based on the population ranking of those 5 administrative divisions.
Michel Martelly, I know that you are taking notes and I am asking you to take good notes and save Haiti.
Michel you can do it and I urge you to do so. Your son has good contact with us in Florida and he is taking notes from this web too, please do so. Haiti will be free if you can do that. We will restore sanity and good morale will be back in Haiti again.
We will not be a land of zinglendos or kidnappers as well as a lang for those Charognards NGOs De l'Humanite to repeat Pierre Leger...Long life to Haiti! Vive Haiti and Vive Martelly Prezidan Pa nou an!
Posted by Toulimen on February 24 2011 at 12:47 PM