Rooster, now you realy getting in my nervs, Haitians are very...

Jean Pierre Alexandre says...

Rooster, now you realy getting in my nervs, Haitians are very patient people, but not for too long dude.
Just remember Haiti will be strong again and the world will see.

The topic is: Iranian Ambassador in Haiti
This is a reply to Msg 26818
Posted by Jean Pierre Alexandre on February 24 2011 at 6:22 AM

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Tiba,I know about that the Cubans always in our rescue for the longest just or since about 1986. My question is.Iranians involvement in secret meeting with Preval? > >
Jean Pierre Alexandre, 23-Feb-11 4:37 pm
Tiba, (good to see you back) and Jean Pierre, I agree with JP, Cubans have been helping since the Babe flew to france. But iran is singularly interested in creating a spectacle in the Americas. Another Caribbean Crisis, a la Ahmed-whatever-adad, Tehr > >
Rooster, 23-Feb-11 5:37 pm
I wish another country could help Haiti extract oil and other mineral wealth from Haiti's soil. The United States sealed our oil field as Strategic U.S. Oil Reserve. Does Haiti belong to the United States? If no, why should the Haitian oil be labele > >
Toulimen, 23-Feb-11 5:43 pm
HAITI NAGE DANS UN OCCEAN DE PAUVRETE MENTALE PAR PIERRE LEGER : Aujourd'hui j'ai eu le plaisir d'ecouter un grand ecrivain et industriel de renom dans le Sud d'Haiti denomme Pierre Leger sur les ondes de la Radio Metropole au Journal Du soi > >
Frantz, 23-Feb-11 5:59 pm
Toulimen, Haiti will realize oil wealth beyond Her dreams before long. But first, the Middle East needs to run low before America allows the Haitian fields to be opened. I mean no affront to you, or to Haiti, or to any others concerned, but you must > >
Rooster, 23-Feb-11 6:38 pm
Is Haiti a U.S. territory? Why should America allow Haiti the rights to start extracting oil on its soil? Haiti is an independent state and not an occupied territory. In the days ahead, the United States will learn about the Haitian Tea Party as know > >
Toulimen, 23-Feb-11 9:34 pm
Rooster,now you realy getting in my nervs, Haitians are very patient people,but not for too long dude. Just remember Haiti will be strong again and the world will see. > >
Jean Pierre Alexandre, 24-Feb-11 6:22 am
We need to keep far from us,United States and France. Remember United States is one of the contries did not accept our freedom and independence. Somewhere in the white house basement in washington they have all the records of great conspiracy again > >
Jean Pierre Alexandre, 24-Feb-11 6:39 am
Jean Pierre, I did not say that I agree with the US gov't, only that I suspect that is its policy with regards to the oil (secret, I'm sure). It would be fine with me if Brazil helped Haiti drill for the oil; I think the American gov't will have t > >
Rooster, 24-Feb-11 2:51 pm
Well, Haiti has been under some neo-colonial occupation for decades and now it is becoming more apparent thatn ever. We are about to find out how free Haiti is and if U.S. really can claim Haiti's oil as U.S. strategic reserves. That will be a new > >
Rose L, 25-Feb-11 5:53 pm
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