Toulimen, you are full of garbage. The bourgeoisie says money...
Rooster says...
Toulimen, you are full of garbage.
The bourgeoisie says money first, period!
The topic is: Haitians Reject America's Interference For The Following Reasons
This is a reply to Msg 26607
Posted by Rooster on February 20 2011 at 12:50 PM
Messages in this topic
Wow, this is an exhaustive list of Haitiano-American clashes. Good Job! > >
Milka, 19-Feb-11 11:48 am
Toulimen, you are full of garbage. The bourgeoisie says money first, period! > >
Rooster, 20-Feb-11 12:50 pm
This party will restore Haiti's self-determination rights under the liberal-conservative rich Haitian merchants in Haiti. 1. It will restore our moral values that are in decline with the presence of those foreigners in Haiti. It will shield Haiti > >
Toulimen J, 20-Feb-11 2:23 pm