Ninety percent of Americans will fill into these 10 negative...

Monique Rodrigue says...

Ninety percent of Americans will fill into these 10 negative commandments for Haiti so they cannot governm Haiti.

I was diagnozed with breast cancer in Florida and I went in Canada for retesting and the result came clear no breast cancer whatsoever.

Since then, I stayed away from American doctors.

The reason I did not sue them it was because I did not tell the Canadian testing center that I was seeking another opinion.

May be if I had told them that I was seeking for another opinion the result would have been the same. I am in good health here and I am leaving to go to Alberta for retirement...

The topic is: Haitians Reject America's Interference For The Following Reasons
This is a reply to Msg 26607
Posted by Monique Rodrigue on February 18 2011 at 4:45 PM

Messages in this topic

Ninety percent of Americans will fill into these 10 negative commandments for Haiti so they cannot governm Haiti. I was diagnozed with breast cancer in Florida and I went in Canada for retesting and the result came clear no breast cancer whatsoever. > >
Monique Rodrigue, 18-Feb-11 4:45 pm
Wow, this is an exhaustive list of Haitiano-American clashes. Good Job! > >
Milka, 19-Feb-11 11:48 am
Toulimen, you are full of garbage. The bourgeoisie says money first, period! > >
Rooster, 20-Feb-11 12:50 pm
This party will restore Haiti's self-determination rights under the liberal-conservative rich Haitian merchants in Haiti. 1. It will restore our moral values that are in decline with the presence of those foreigners in Haiti. It will shield Haiti > >
Toulimen J, 20-Feb-11 2:23 pm