Haitian Bourgeoisie Says No To Resettlement of Haitian Diaspora in Haiti
Toulimen says...
Posted by Toulimen on February 15 2011 at 7:36 PM
Messages in this topic
Not in his dream, they don't want us in Haiti because we are the source of their money. This will end and we will be back in masses. We already started the boycott of their businesses and many are complaining by saying Haitians in the Diaspora stop > >
Joubert, 19-Feb-11 1:41 pm
Ablerooster Andrew Brian is the same spy appointed to this blog. I emailed the blog manager and he will be blocked soon. Bear with me this blog will not tolerate any spy agent in it. > >
Evalus, 20-Feb-11 11:25 pm
All we need to do is to bring new money into the country and we will make their money look like pennies. Haitian Disapora sends over a $1billion a year back home, imagine if we were to pull that money together in some sort of funds, regulated funds > >
Rose L, 25-Feb-11 4:58 pm
Yes, it is time that we start developing new methods to bypass the opressor and beat him at his own game. I am all for finding other means of sending money to Haiti rather than via WU. We know their profit is enormous and yet they have no respect f > >
Rose L, 25-Feb-11 5:22 pm
The Haitian Diaspora should do the same like Ghanean and Senegalese? Do not send money through their network or even the network of the giant oppressor such as Western Union. Buy a set of prepaid credit cards and register it with the name of your lov > >
Toulimen, 25-Feb-11 5:37 pm
Rose, I agree with everything at 100% that Haitians must find ways to boycott those people. The RICH in HAITI said that we in the DIASPORA are not an organized voice and many HAITIANS in the DIASPORA are illiterate so they are taking advantage of the > >
Toulimen, 25-Feb-11 5:47 pm
HE IS RIGHT. This is BY FAR the Mevz biggest fear yet the best hope for Haiti. Mevz know that if the diaspora were to resettle in Haiti in large numbers it would mean instant competition for his group in the areas employment market development, a > >
Jonjon1804, 22-Mar-11 6:53 pm
Jonjon1804, you definitely make a lot of sense. I have been telling my friends for years that once Haiti have security to return because they will be much more sucessfull there because they have the knowledge and the capital. But many of their par > >
Jynee, 22-Mar-11 9:28 pm
Jynne, they are a bunch of sansvergognes and they cannot use any of the Haitian media to talk to the Haitian masses. Warren Buffet, Bil Gates, Oprah Winfrey and others are not hiding themselves in America for being billionnaires. Those billionnaires > >
Joubert, 22-Mar-11 10:51 pm
How long more we will wait, keep our peace,silence with no action? Hoping the so-called Haitian bourgeoisie will bend down. I am tired with this Haitian bourgeoisie bullshit(tintinad). I always say the only way is by force(heavy metals,alot of the > >
Jean Pierre Alexandre, 23-Mar-11 7:08 am