Haitian Bourgeoisie Says No To Resettlement of Haitian Diaspora in Haiti

Toulimen says...

The Mezvinsky Family as known as Mevz in Haiti opposes to the idea of the resettlement of Haitians in Haiti.

This family maintains this idea will be a job killing for Haiti.

They maintain that Haiti should keep its diaspora out of Haitian like the Jews in Israel do it. Among the five richest families, it is said the return of the Haitian to help with the reconstruction of Haiti is not an option on the table and they have warned both candidates not to argue on this topic during their campaign in Haiti.

Leonel Fernandel told them that if they are not ready to receive their diaspora, he will promote tourism along the Haitian Borders to attract them and Haiti will lose more than it can gain by keeping them out of the country.

He said his university along the border will be a great asset for the Haitian Diaspora who wants to help both countries in the education area. He was begging them on behalf of the Haitian Diaspora Federation but his plea was unsuccessful.

We should launch a Facebook operation to dismantle the Haitian Bourgeoisie if you all really want to return to Haiti.

For Brandt, Gregory Mevz, Dimitri Accra, Vitiello and Vorbes to name a few, the exile option is forever for the Haitian Diaspora...

Think and think twice if you want to return to Haiti in a near future.

You will be killed by armed gangs financed by the richest families in Haiti.

Think and think twice, you exile is forever.

You are OUT forever!

Posted by Toulimen on February 15 2011 at 7:36 PM

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Enough is enough, and the Haitians in Haiti understand it too. We should all call for an operation to overthrow the Most Repugnant Elites of Haiti to free this society at the hands of those criminals. Moune yo ape soufri anpil nan peyi a e bet rich s > >
Frantz, 15-Feb-11 7:42 pm
We will return and they will be out for sure like those rich Cubans in Miami ok > >
Sandra, 15-Feb-11 9:06 pm
I will start a war on my own with them for sure. Years back for my info,Haitians diaspora were hunted like ducks in the country.Mevz did loss one son and we need to get the another one.i believe every one of them should pay a price or leave the coun > >
Jean Pierre Alexandre, 16-Feb-11 9:26 am
It is sad to hear that the Haitian elites want all Haitians who are living in the diaspora to live outside of Haiti forever. They just want us as visitors and not as Haitian citizens. How can we have a better life overseas when we have to send money > >
Toulimen, 16-Feb-11 4:02 pm
We cannot be out forever. Mevzvinsky as known as Mevz cannot keep all of us out of Haiti forever ok. We will be leading the next fight and they cannot stop it ok. > >
Martial, 18-Feb-11 4:55 pm
Martial, We need to be together for succes. Well planned tactics and deep investigation to target the key individual involve in our cause. > >
Jean Pierre Alexandre, 18-Feb-11 6:40 pm
We need to keep our confidentiality when visiting or resettling in Haiti. The CIA's killing machine gets all our IPs through this Preval Anonymous Blog and we should be careful while using this forum. They already make a list for us to get killed in > >
Milka, 18-Feb-11 7:05 pm
CIA are people too, They can be kill too just like anybody.The idea, people should work independently in group of 5 not more (cell).we can create a killing machine just like them or even better. > >
Jean Pierre Alexandre, 18-Feb-11 7:30 pm
We need to educate Haitians and watch all foreigners in their activities in Haiti to avoid internal divisions, gossips, coup d'etats, assassination through biowarfare like that cholera, corruption and deliberated killing of our educated citizens. An > >
Toulimen, 18-Feb-11 7:53 pm
In Your Dreams. > >
Rooster, 19-Feb-11 12:46 pm
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