Rooster, I responded to Petrus before I read your confession...
Marjorie Middy says...
I responded to Petrus before I read your confession.
You must be truly Haitian to respond...It takes a strong person to admit wrongdoing.
For the record, I knew from the beginning that you were not Caucasian-American.
Your comments were too visceral to be an outsider.
Besides, names like "Raymond" "Able Rooster" gave you up.
You are a typical "DL" Haitian.
Whether you are 100% Haitian or not, it does not matter.
"DL" phenomenon is a DIASPORA issue.
The mulatto aspect was noticeable...At this point in time and history, I think we should come to term with the old mulatto mystic and move-in-on up to other pasture.
Haiti is in serious trouble, it is time that ALL of us form a collective being to save the Country.
You went "DL", that is because you felt you had to for whatever reason, it does not matter.
An investment in a good psychological trainer might be a good idea; Not so much in "acceptance" of your genetic pool in total, but as to understand "WHY" of your behavior.
Nobody likes a martyr anymore.
You have an issue, do something about it.
You seem to have a good mind, albeit chaotic at times; Haiti can't afford to lose you. Haiti needs EVERYONE on board.
Good luck.
This is a reply to Msg 26484
Posted by Marjorie Middy on February 14 2011 at 11:21 PM