Petrus, Now, you are confusing me. This Rooster goes on record...

Marjorie Middy says...

Now, you are confusing me. This Rooster goes on record in public denigrating Haiti and Haitians, in turn you are asking him to close the chapter on a topic?

I MUST be missing something here.
Rooster was saying the contrary of what you are crediting him for. Rooster basically said that Haiti might have helped with certain specific difficulty that America originally had. Haiti by any way shape or form contributed greatly to America's greatness.

Responses such as yours disgusted me at times and is why as stayed away for awhile.

People who truly contributed to these postings are: Linda, Brian, Jenny,Toulimen, you (Petrus), Rooster and myself (Marjorie)with the main man who started it all:BARON SAMEDI.

Others were there too. These aforementioned people are the main respondents.

Rooster must be confused at this point.

We are asking him simultaneously to shut the hell up and please lead us to another topic...

No wonder Rooster thinks that Haitians don't know what they want...

If somebody has to be given an ultimatum is definitely Rooster: BE THOUGHTFUL or LEAVE US ALONE.

How can you ask a civilian from another Country to help YOU get political protection for another Country (Haiti)?

Are you delusional by any chance?

This is a reply to Msg 26435
Posted by Marjorie Middy on February 14 2011 at 10:34 PM

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It is too late and you had to do it the day before. I already send the spell out. You were too fresh. It is too late and I cannot undo what has been done. You are too fresh as a young child. You should not come on this blog to lecture to Haitians abo > >
Petrus, 14-Feb-11 10:25 pm
Petrus, Now, you are confusing me. This Rooster goes on record in public denigrating Haiti and Haitians, in turn you are asking him to close the chapter on a topic? I MUST be missing something here. Rooster was saying the contrary of what you are > >
Marjorie Middy, 14-Feb-11 10:34 pm
Rooster, I responded to Petrus before I read your confession. You must be truly Haitian to respond...It takes a strong person to admit wrongdoing. For the record, I knew from the beginning that you were not Caucasian-American. Your comments were to > >
Marjorie Middy, 14-Feb-11 11:21 pm
Ablerooster, Please get a grip to yourself, will you? I knew all along you were not a white men and you were not far from some kind of Haitian descent, but just couldn't put my finger on it. Ablerooster, there are tons of Haitians out there wi > >
Tiba, 15-Feb-11 6:23 am
Petrus,what it is with you? Ablerooster is Haitian or not he deserve respect as a human,and i believe he is not the one that Haiti in the Dog like aristide and Preval Haiti. > >
Jean Pierre Alexandre, 15-Feb-11 10:04 am
Haiti can change if and only if the Bourgeoisie stands up to say enough is enough, Point final. > >
Justin Mondesir, 15-Feb-11 3:00 pm
Marge: Message #152 was NOT me! I DID NOT post last night after I informed Linda that Anne was 43 years old! Do you remember when I gave you my email? Well someone did some crafty work and POSED as ME. like I said originally, I am English, Scots-Iris > >
Ablerooster, 15-Feb-11 3:00 pm
Tiba, I am a white man, no more proud than a black man or a red man or a yellow man or a mixed man. Petrus hacked my account. I am a white man. a while back, I invited Marge to communicate with me directly, and I gave her me email address. Pterus use > >
Ablerooster, 15-Feb-11 3:19 pm
Can you not tell that post 152 is not even my writing style? Give me a break! > >
Able-rooster, 15-Feb-11 3:39 pm
Petrus, you are COWARDLY SCUM OF THE LOWEST TOILET. You invented a conversation just to further your own agenda. THAT is not DEMOCRACY. You betrayed your own lack of character by committing such a heinous act. You, or your STUPID tarot cards, are not > >
Rooster, 15-Feb-11 3:44 pm
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