Haiti will never surrender its soul and its sovereignty to a...
Petrus says...
Haiti will never surrender its soul and its sovereignty to a poverty pimp country like America.
America's religious right conservatives are poverty pimp managers and brainwashers.
We don't want them in Haiti.
We should keep them out of our land soon. We should revive Charlemagne Peralte on their back. This stinky Rooster thinks that America can take over of Haiti.
He needs to learn more. He is a flithy jerk person...
This is a reply to Msg 26449
Posted by Petrus on February 13 2011 at 7:08 PM
Messages in this topic
Why should people pay attention to a KKK pimp like you. You smell like vomit and we cannot stand you anymore. Jack ass! > >
Pouchon, 13-Feb-11 7:01 pm
Haiti will never surrender its soul and its sovereignty to a poverty pimp country like America. America's religious right conservatives are poverty pimp managers and brainwashers. We don't want them in Haiti. We should keep them out of our land soo > >
Petrus, 13-Feb-11 7:08 pm
The Haitian way will strike you soon and you will notice the first sign and if you don't apologize Pethro will teach you a lesson. You need to apologize before you are sorry... > >
Sloot, 13-Feb-11 7:12 pm
The problem with all you Haitians, including you, "brian" is that you have no civil grounding. You act like animals in a fight rather than humans in a debate. You are given to crazy theories and endless rants against the very country you need the m > >
Ablerooster, 14-Feb-11 2:47 pm
It is a matter of time before you get pissed off. You will never mess with Haitians. You are a skunk and a filthy person. > >
Samba, 14-Feb-11 3:07 pm
I don't have time for this.....I have a dinner date with a stunning woman at the Colonnade on Bayshore in Tampa. I will think about all you ungrateful loser-beggars while I dine. She will get a kick out of my story, I can assure you....She is Bahami > >
Ablerooster, 14-Feb-11 3:17 pm
As I tie my tie, I must remark that the reason Haiti loses so miserably in the MODERN world is that she shoots TRUTH-TELLERS! Open your minds, and stop hating everyone who doesn't agree with your myths and garbage! And petrus&samba: If the so-called > >
Ablerooster, 14-Feb-11 4:40 pm
One more nation we take over? What countries have we taken over recently? You envy American Wealth, PERIOD. Go eat a cookie made of dirt, like your cousin is today! > >
Ablerooster, 14-Feb-11 4:58 pm
I am blogging while I am waiting for my surf-n-turf! Beautiful nubian Bahamian woman at my side! Loves America! Hates Haitians! I have tried to educate her, but she says you dogs are to far lost to save! I tried! And you dogs ran me off! Now I know w > >
Ablerooster, 14-Feb-11 5:05 pm
Rooster, Chicken or whatever your name is, What is your problem? Nobody twists your arm to blog here. If you don't like this blog,just quit; End of your story. Haiti does not deserve your spiteful comments. It seems like you are a miserable person > >
Marjorie Middy, 14-Feb-11 5:53 pm