Why should people pay attention to a KKK pimp like you. You...

Pouchon says...

Why should people pay attention to a KKK pimp like you. You smell like vomit and we cannot stand you anymore.

Jack ass!

This is a reply to Msg 26451
Posted by Pouchon on February 13 2011 at 7:01 PM

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Why should people pay attention to a KKK pimp like you. You smell like vomit and we cannot stand you anymore. Jack ass! > >
Pouchon, 13-Feb-11 7:01 pm
Haiti will never surrender its soul and its sovereignty to a poverty pimp country like America. America's religious right conservatives are poverty pimp managers and brainwashers. We don't want them in Haiti. We should keep them out of our land soo > >
Petrus, 13-Feb-11 7:08 pm
The Haitian way will strike you soon and you will notice the first sign and if you don't apologize Pethro will teach you a lesson. You need to apologize before you are sorry... > >
Sloot, 13-Feb-11 7:12 pm
The problem with all you Haitians, including you, "brian" is that you have no civil grounding. You act like animals in a fight rather than humans in a debate. You are given to crazy theories and endless rants against the very country you need the m > >
Ablerooster, 14-Feb-11 2:47 pm
It is a matter of time before you get pissed off. You will never mess with Haitians. You are a skunk and a filthy person. > >
Samba, 14-Feb-11 3:07 pm
I don't have time for this.....I have a dinner date with a stunning woman at the Colonnade on Bayshore in Tampa. I will think about all you ungrateful loser-beggars while I dine. She will get a kick out of my story, I can assure you....She is Bahami > >
Ablerooster, 14-Feb-11 3:17 pm
As I tie my tie, I must remark that the reason Haiti loses so miserably in the MODERN world is that she shoots TRUTH-TELLERS! Open your minds, and stop hating everyone who doesn't agree with your myths and garbage! And petrus&samba: If the so-called > >
Ablerooster, 14-Feb-11 4:40 pm
One more nation we take over? What countries have we taken over recently? You envy American Wealth, PERIOD. Go eat a cookie made of dirt, like your cousin is today! > >
Ablerooster, 14-Feb-11 4:58 pm
I am blogging while I am waiting for my surf-n-turf! Beautiful nubian Bahamian woman at my side! Loves America! Hates Haitians! I have tried to educate her, but she says you dogs are to far lost to save! I tried! And you dogs ran me off! Now I know w > >
Ablerooster, 14-Feb-11 5:05 pm
Rooster, Chicken or whatever your name is, What is your problem? Nobody twists your arm to blog here. If you don't like this blog,just quit; End of your story. Haiti does not deserve your spiteful comments. It seems like you are a miserable person > >
Marjorie Middy, 14-Feb-11 5:53 pm
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