Haiti does not want America to be on its feet. We need America...

Jean Robert Jacques says...

Haiti does not want America to be on its feet. We need America to stay away from our problems so we can solve them on our own as an independent country.

America is a pimp country like yourself and they keep exploiting us through their protectorate system.

We don't need America as a protector and its protection is worthless since 1862. America made us become poorer under its protectorate.

We will end its pimpinist system over us pretty soon. You are a pimp and we don't need any poverty pimp managers in our land. You are a jack ass and a filthy person too. You smell and you stink too..

This is a reply to Msg 26451
Posted by Jean Robert Jacques on February 13 2011 at 6:58 PM

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Another thing Petrus: the KKK is a bunch of toothless rednecks who wish the world was the way they'd like it to be. They are a HAS BEEN in America for years. They have NO legitimacy at all. I take exception to you even mentioning me along with that > >
Ablerooster, 13-Feb-11 2:15 pm
The KKK is alive and well in the deep south and upper Northeast regions. A parallel group that growing by leaps and bounds is the White Supremacists bikers. > >
Brian Andrew, 13-Feb-11 2:39 pm
Give me a break, "brian." Bikers have no significant role in American life. You are a fake. > >
Ablerooster, 13-Feb-11 3:18 pm
Ablerooster, I am confused by your obsession with having Americans occupy Haiti. At first I thought you were just someone who did not understand the continuous negative impact that American policies have had on Haiti. But that is not the case; becaus > >
Linda, 13-Feb-11 3:33 pm
Hi Baron, Wow, thank so much for that post. There were many specific details in there that I did not have in my information load on Haiti. Thanks again. > >
Linda, 13-Feb-11 3:42 pm
The problem on this blog is that All of You are Completely Ignorant. I will not waste my breath on you loser wannabes again. Solve your own problems, but quit eating my bread! Beyond that, I'm gone! > >
Ablerooster, 13-Feb-11 4:15 pm
Rooster, You know what I meant, why are you playing dumb? The White Supremacists trade marks are bald headed, black leather jackets with different sorts of emblems on back of the jacket and a certain trademark bike. I know who some of them are and w > >
Brian Andrew, 13-Feb-11 5:27 pm
I swear to my life and my gods, if I do not make you feel sorry for your ignorance, I will kill myself. I am going to teach you a lesson and you will never mess with Haitians. I have the capability to do so and you will feel that power soon. Unless y > >
Petrus, 13-Feb-11 6:51 pm
I don't know why Haitians keep wasting their time on a jack ass like you! > >
James L, 13-Feb-11 6:53 pm
Haiti does not want America to be on its feet. We need America to stay away from our problems so we can solve them on our own as an independent country. America is a pimp country like yourself and they keep exploiting us through their protectorate sy > >
Jean Robert Jacques, 13-Feb-11 6:58 pm
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