It was Fit and Proper that the E.U. was established. It made...
Ablerooster says...
It was Fit and Proper that the E.U. was established.
It made good economic sense; as an entity the E.U. outperforms the U.S. by 5%.
It was done to increase cohesion, and thereby positively affect economic competitiveness; it was not done because of U.S. "aggression." Still, it is an economic union primarily, and does not affect NATO. After Obama is de-elected, America will begin to pay better attention to her own "backyard," (as you term correctly term it), in accordance with the Still Valid Monroe Doctrine.
This is a reply to Msg 26433
Posted by Ablerooster on February 13 2011 at 1:11 PM
Messages in this topic
It was Fit and Proper that the E.U. was established. It made good economic sense; as an entity the E.U. outperforms the U.S. by 5%. It was done to increase cohesion, and thereby positively affect economic competitiveness; it was not done because of U > >
Ablerooster, 13-Feb-11 1:11 pm
I must correct myself: I do NOT blame Obama for any of the present mess in America and its overseas debacles.... but I don't like Democratic foreign policy either.....Bush Jr. was an Idiot, but Obama is TOO smart for himself.... he will not be reele > >
Ablerooster, 13-Feb-11 1:18 pm
Haitians are not inferior and will never be inferior ok. They are the ones who help you gain your superiority and the wealth that you acquire all along. With your arrogance and your sense of superiority, we can shut you down on this blog ok. Haitians > >
Petrus, 13-Feb-11 1:20 pm
He will not be reelected because Republicans like yourself are ready to back up Israel's war against Iran as of July 2012. Only Republicans can make wars around the world because they are warriors and wealth stealers for the greater good of America. > >
Samba, 13-Feb-11 1:26 pm
Petrus, you misunderstood me! What I am saying is that you think that I think that you are inferior, when I don't! But whatever I say, you always think that I am coming from an "I'm better than you" stanpoint. NO! How did we get to this? > >
Ablerooster, 13-Feb-11 1:27 pm
Is "the Haitian way" cowardly and inept, when you take advantage of freedom only to deny it? Is that the Haitian way? I have a special American Remedy for threats to me or my family, believe me. > >
Ablerooster, 13-Feb-11 1:33 pm
Haiti is not a backyard of the U.S. as you are claiming it and the Monroe Doctrine is valid to only America and non-independent states in the Region. Haiti should join the EU to protect itself from the U.S. agression and end of the story...Americans > >
Samba, 13-Feb-11 1:35 pm
It is a matter of time and days, your arrogance will stop in a Haitian way. Whether you are talking about of threat or not, we Haitians know how to deal with arrogant people. I will silence you and your arrogance against Haitians on this blog will en > >
Petrus, 13-Feb-11 1:43 pm
Haiti CAN'T join the E.U. It isn't in Europe, genius. America will not tolerate outside interference beyond the current players in the Americas. Won't Happen. Also, I AM NOT a republican. I think for myself. > >
Ablerooster, 13-Feb-11 1:46 pm
I never said Haitians were inferior to ANYONE. You misread my post, and inferred such. Be as it may. > >
Ablerooster, 13-Feb-11 1:52 pm