Only this Linda is proud of her Haitian Bourgeoisie and the

Only this Linda is proud of her Haitian Bourgeoisie and the mismanagement of her political leaders in Haiti.

She is an appointed Haitian Bourgeoisie spy on this blog and she will fight with anyone who does not say that Haiti is the most beautiful country on earth and the Haitian Bourgeois are Gods on the Haitian soil. Do not let a spy commend you on what to say?

She is one of the repugnant members of the Haitian Bourgeoisie in Haiti.

We don't want her to dictate us any morale because she has no morale for herself ok. I commend you on everything you are saying.

For Haitians like Linda are a shame for Haiti...

This is a reply to Msg 26392
Posted by Luc J. Specka on February 12 2011 at 11:57 AM