Baron, I am not any sort of agent for America. I advocate for

Baron, I am not any sort of agent for America.

I advocate for American intervention because it's the only way to ensure security and the proper distribution of resources.

If you look at history, you will see that American presence in a country always increases employment, and is a and provides for an economy to grow rapidly.

I do not understand why so many in your Diaspora want to use America as a SAFE haven even as you denigrate Her and assault Her character.

I think Haitians are terribly confused when it comes to America's intentions.

Sure it is reasonable to be cautious, but we all know that America has the ability to do in 30 years what would take 200 otherwise...

I don't advocate anything but providing security and logistical know-how to a country devoid of either.

Haiti's situation is beyond desperate, which means drastic measures are in order.

I don't mean to insult Haitian sovereignty, but rather to strengthen it.

This is a reply to Msg 26380
Posted by Ablerooster on February 12 2011 at 6:45 AM