God can destroy whatever he wants. Yet I feel you have some...

Donivan says...

God can destroy whatever he wants.

Yet I feel you have some misconceptions.

Many people in the G8 nations abhor homosexuality.

Yet we are chastised for not being lenient on the matter.

We are pictured as not giving one equal rights under God. Most sterilization programs are in the major cities of Japan, China, United States and parts of Europe.

There may be a few in Caribbean, but the majority are in developed nations (G8 if you will).

One reason why Haiti continues to suffer is the level of corruption.

Haiti ranked number 1 just 4 years ago. The US involvement with Haiti dates back over 90 years.

German influence in Haiti at the time was proving to hamper US business interests.

So, Americans stepped in and on the competition.

Local guerrillas called cacos were fighting against the Americans which had nothing to do with diplomatic reasons.

Most of Haiti's resources are used up. Most trees on the hills and mountains have been cut down, hence the mudslides.

Molasses was the chief crop in Haiti until manufacturing processes took that away. The minute Haiti starts getting some organization in its government, someone starts a coup. There have been at least 10 coups since the late 1980's.

The US is block the return of Aristand and for good reason.

Because of the return of Duvalier, the US does not want another round of coups and bloodshed.

Because people and leaders have not been able to agree on issues, At least 45,000 Haitians have died at the hands of Tonton Macoutes or rebels from within their own borders or from Dominican republic militants.

When is enough enough?

Yet you are stating that everyone else is the problem.

When Haiti can elect a leader that the people agree with (without initiating a coup) and moving towards being a humanitarian leader and not tyrannical one, then you will see Haiti shine.

But it also resides on the people to put forth the effort and ensure that the needs of the people are looked out for.

The topic is: Joel Osteen on CNN: Homosexuality Is a SIN
This is a reply to Msg 25967
Posted by Donivan on February 11 2011 at 1:14 PM

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I do not use google scholars myself and I have suggested it to you if you want to research some topics on your own. The topic of biopower is clear in my mind and I have written two articles on it while I was doing my master degree. I cannot reveal th > >
Toulimen, 27-Jan-11 4:11 pm
why is it that about anything homosexual, that you cannot go to aomeone who is homosexual look in their eyes, listen to their words, the words of someone who has lived it 24/7 their entire lives, and believe in your heart that they are speaking the t > >
Feetxxxl, 28-Jan-11 6:01 am
why is it that believers are reluctant to escribe to the fellowship witness that 1john1 calls us to, the witness that john made of jesus to determine that he was not just a man who could heal and speak the truth but that he was actually the son of go > >
Feetxxxl, 28-Jan-11 6:20 am
This is Able Rooster. Tiba, You are exqusitly accurate! Toulimen, I respect you too, but you need to stop following bizarre stories. Gays are Gay because that's the way they are. I'm not gay, but I don't care who is; as long as they repect me, > >
Ablerooster, 1-Feb-11 1:12 pm
This is Able Rooster. On the other hand, I don't like "gayness" being shoved in my face either. I think "gay marriage" is an insult to GOD, as well as the bond between a Man and a Woman. > >
Ablerooster, 1-Feb-11 1:21 pm
Gays are gay because scientists made them become gays and your way of thinking is American period but you cannot impose it on us. No one was born gay and no one has chosen to be gay. I cannot hate gay but I hate scientists for making us sleep with ou > >
Toulimen, 1-Feb-11 8:38 pm
Homosexuals are not a threat to our civilization. They are discriminated by scientists and we should stop the increase of gays so this discrimination can end. Scientists should let others live and they should stop creating vaccines that make others t > >
Fanfan, 5-Feb-11 8:39 pm
Really, gay people became gay because of scientists. Yet, no one is born gay and no one becomes gay, except when those scientists come in while you are sleeping and inject you with the gay chromosome, huh? Homosexuality has been around before the > >
Donivan, 11-Feb-11 12:31 pm
God can destroy whatever he wants. Yet I feel you have some misconceptions. Many people in the G8 nations abhor homosexuality. Yet we are chastised for not being lenient on the matter. We are pictured as not giving one equal rights under God. Most st > >
Donivan, 11-Feb-11 1:14 pm
Actually you came up with pretty good points, but keep the focus going on something. You have argued too many things in only one posting and that creates too much confusion. If you are talking about homosexuality just focus on homosexuality but do no > >
Petrus, 11-Feb-11 6:36 pm
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