Linda, it was Olduvai Gorge, in EAST Africa. I am well aware...
Ablerooster says...
Linda, it was Olduvai Gorge, in EAST Africa.
I am well aware of Eve, as well as australopithecus africanus, but you miss the point.
He said that my kind evolved from his kind, which implies that "my kind" is more highly evloved than his. All humankind, I hope, is at the same general stage of evolution.
His logic was invalid.
Why can't anyone on this blog think rationally?
This is a reply to Msg 26315
Posted by Ablerooster on February 9 2011 at 2:38 PM
Messages in this topic
This is Able Rooster. bacon salami:If we evolved from you, then that means we are more evolved than you. That is the only logical answer to your amateur treatise. We didn't evolve FROM you, you idiot, we evolved DIFFERENTLY from you. Your whole c > >
Ablerooster, 8-Feb-11 9:05 pm
Ahhaaaaaaaaaaaaa.....I knew that it was a matter of time before your true color shows up, and it did loud and clear. Not that I had any doubt; I just wanted you to jump as high as you can and you did. No, you fool, your evolution from us did not mea > >
Baron Samedi, 8-Feb-11 10:31 pm
All men originated from primates which include all five species of Humans i.e. Neanderthals, Homo erectus, Cro-Magnons,Hobbits-Indonesia and Homo sapiens.All of them died except for the only survivor Homo sapiens. All human species originated from A > >
Brian Andrew, 9-Feb-11 11:39 am
Of those accomplishment Ablerooster named, America can only take credit for one; that being landing on the moon. My question is: So far, how has landing on the moon helped human civilization on this planet? > >
Linda, 9-Feb-11 1:46 pm
Marjory, I did not have time to read your whole post, but I completely agree with one of the first points you made. Although the current Haitian bourgeois class is appalling, we cannot chase them away without having any replacement for them. The reas > >
Linda, 9-Feb-11 1:53 pm
Ablerooster, when was the last time you took a biology or anthropology course? You are seriously in need of an education. All modern human beings are descendent of one African women, born on the west coast of Africa. You may call her Eve. > >
Linda, 9-Feb-11 2:02 pm
Linda, it was Olduvai Gorge, in EAST Africa. I am well aware of Eve, as well as australopithecus africanus, but you miss the point. He said that my kind evolved from his kind, which implies that "my kind" is more highly evloved than his. All human > >
Ablerooster, 9-Feb-11 2:38 pm
This is Able Rooster. Mr. Andrews, judging from your sentence construction and syntax, I don't believe you are American, or that English is your first language. Your little lesson was nothing new to me. Bacon Salami said that "(my) kind evolved > >
Ablerooster, 9-Feb-11 3:03 pm
Abble Rooster, To paraphrase somebody else, I believe, Baron Samedi, you are an arrogant little man. For your information, I was born in Valparaiso, Indiana. From what you have written on this blog, you are in no position to judge anyone's Engli > >
Brian Andrew, 9-Feb-11 4:18 pm
Rooster, This is definitely an invalid argument. Evolution from something or someone does not NECESSARILY mean the former is superior to the latter. Your ASSUMPTION is invalid. All your blogs pointed in that direction. > >
Brian Andrew, 9-Feb-11 4:58 pm