The problem that Haiti is facing is this "they don't...
Toulimen says...
The problem that Haiti is facing is this "they don't understand how to use the best of all countries on board in Haiti." When a country is facing serious challenges, it needs to make a choice between its international partners.
Actually, what country has the best equipments and technology to address most of the world's problems?
The answer is America.
They have all kinds of technologies so Haiti must be smart to choose the best of America's technology to develop itself.
For instance, if America asks Haiti to discriminate certain groups of people to reduce its population size whether by diseases (leucemia, bipolar, schizophrenia, alzheimer, measles, mumps, rubella, syphillis, herpes, chicken pox, AIDS and HIV and other genetic or self-inflicted gene diseases, the application of sex gender vaccines to turn others to homosexuals and infertility vaccines to also name a few, Haiti could say well we would not got that far but we could do this instead because we do not have a multicultural country like yours.
If America refuses to accept Haiti's legitimate demands, Haiti has to turn its back to America and seek other partners for help. Rather the state of Haiti does not ask any legitimate demands and they keep playing game with the United States.
The latter takes all of them as ignorant.
Nevertheless, the United States likes power resistance from any country around the world and that shows how much powerful they are. Actually, the United States likes Iran better than any other countries around the world because they resist to its power which compells them to have strong a serious negotiations with Iran. True power needs to be resisted and confronted by smart and intelligent people but Haitian Bourgeois in Haiti are not that strong and intelligent to do so.
In addition, they have no leadership and management in anything; and therefore, I cannot blame the United States for being part of most of Haiti's problems.
Haiti is not like Iran. In Iran, they have management and leadership and it has been proven for the last thirty years of the Iranian Revolution which makes the State of Iran accounted for its highest literacy rate in the world after Cuba and the income per capita there has grown significantly enough to make its people live longer and have a better life expectancy as compared to most of the other advanced nations around the world.
Most of the educated Iranians are ready to fight to every inch of their existence to defend and protect their country against any international aggression.
Can we say that for Haiti?
No, the Haitian Bourgeois are ignorant people that need to be thrown in the garbage of the world history.
Haiti needs leadership and management so economic progress can occur in that cursed land. Haitians are not cursed by anyone but they curse themselves through lack of leadership, mismanagement and internal colonization through the imposition of a foreign language to its citizens...
My friend the United States, with all due respect cannot do anything for those Haitian moron Bourgeois.
They have to step up for their rights through good leadership, strong management, rule of law and government accountability as well. I am tired with those repugnant moron Haitian Bourgeois...
The topic is: Americans Respect Smart And Intelligent People Not Subservient Politicians
This is a reply to Msg 26234
Posted by Toulimen on February 6 2011 at 1:31 PM