Homosexuals are not a threat to our civilization. They are

Homosexuals are not a threat to our civilization.

They are discriminated by scientists and we should stop the increase of gays so this discrimination can end. Scientists should let others live and they should stop creating vaccines that make others turn to homosexuality.

People should have their chromosomes remain intact without any bilogical influence whatsoever.

No one is born gay for hetrosexuals cannot give birth to gays. If no anti-chromosome genes exist in those vaccines and no newborns will turn to gays. The sex gender vaccine is administered in our hospitals and people should step up to defend their rights to stop this discrimination.

That's all...

The topic is: Joel Osteen on CNN: Homosexuality Is a SIN
This is a reply to Msg 26121
Posted by Fanfan on February 5 2011 at 8:39 PM