the forgotten black bourgeoisie

Baron Samedi says...

Posted by Baron Samedi on February 5 2011 at 5:22 PM

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Ablerooster, This paste and copy is for you. This should help you understand that Benjamen Franklin was NOT the first person who used the below quotation: fan Edmund Burke (1729-1797) statement, "Those who commonly used expression, "Those who > >
Baron Samedi, 7-Feb-11 8:40 pm
Mr. Baron That is horse manure. The web is FULL of hogwash. Wash in it. > >
Ablerooster, 7-Feb-11 8:56 pm
I get it: Haitians took Normandy. Haitians landed on the Moon first. Haitians discovered America. Haitians won the Cold War. Haitians invented the airplane. Haitians founded the first railroad. I got it! > >
Ablerooster, 7-Feb-11 9:02 pm
Ablerooster, I suggest that you Google Aristotle and Socrates quotations for yourself. Most of the time, I would have said to hell with it. But since you insist so much, I want to rub your nuzzle in it. It is hard for you to learn anything. > >
Baron Samedi, 7-Feb-11 9:09 pm
my "nuzzle?" what in your god's name is a nuzzle? You are a jerk off. > >
Ablerooster, 7-Feb-11 9:16 pm
Linda, Please don't waste your time arguing with ablerooter. This guy is interested in one person: himself. His postings are good for one thing; It shows us how arrogant certain people can be. By the way, thanks for your comments a few days ago. > >
Baron Samedi, 7-Feb-11 9:18 pm
C'mon Big Shot Samedi! Where has your family been for 200 years? Don't lecture me about America you wannabe. > >
Ablerooster, 7-Feb-11 9:27 pm
Yes, rooster, Since you want to be sophomoric, as usual, I meant, "nose". Is that clearer to you. Can you c o m p r e h e n d better now? There is nothing wrong with having a God. At least, I have one. I can feel, think, and have compassion for > >
Baron Samedi, 7-Feb-11 9:29 pm
Well then Salami, or bologna, or pepperoni, say NOSE, not NUZZLE. You impress me with your fundamental grasp of the English Language. You tickle me! > >
Ablerooster, 7-Feb-11 9:45 pm
rooster, Why don't you answer my questions? You have yet to say anything meaningful. Better yet, why don't you ask me, how come I know so much about you? You have been evading that point for awhile, now. I dropped you enough hints to question me, > >
Baron Samedi, 7-Feb-11 10:02 pm
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